This novel took me by surprise. It's a fast read and I found the book's central theme (Big Pharma is out to kill us all) interesting to say the least. I also loved how the author addressed the issue of pharmaceutical companies holding back medicine's progress in curing diseases. I believe this premise to be the truth.
The author is not shy with his writing and dives right in from the beginning of the story, letting readers know what he believes is happening in the real world through cleverly written fiction.
The Target List is a quick read and very entertaining. There are some incredibly short chapters in the beginning of the book that set the stage for the rest of the ride.
This story is a blast to read, but more importantly it paints a scary picture of multinational pharmaceutical companies that will do almost anything to maintain the profitability of their products. This is a book that needs to be read by anybody who has a desire to understand more about health and wellness.