Crippling unemployment and a life-threatening illness push Eddy and Gayle toward life’s dark edge where they hope a Statue of Jesus, the IRS, some magical thinking, and family ties will save the day. In Broken Pieces of God David B. Seaburn returns to the domestic arena to explore the comple...
The dual challenges of the 1962 Cuban missile crisis that threatens the world and the unexplained loss of parents that threatens a family are the driving forces behind the lives of two boys and their grandfather. Willie, Denny and their grandfather, Pop, have lived together for nine years, ever...
At their fortieth anniversary dinner, Laney shocks Franklin by announcing she is leaving him. Stunned, he asks if she ever loved him. Yes, she answers, “until it was gone.” With that decision, their lives are changed forever. Laney leaves for the Oklahoma in search of Roz, their estranged daught...