Danielle S. Roux

Danielle S. Roux

First-time memoir writer

Danielle S. Roux

@danielleroux - Author

Danielle S. Roux

Danielle S. Roux

@danielleroux - Author

Danielle S. Roux is a first-time author who was inspired to write after having a very premature baby and their long and, at times, fraught hospitaliza... more

Danielle S.'s books

After giving birth to a very premature baby weighing no more than two blocks of standard butter, Danielle finds herself in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). There, she discovers a hidden world – not quite taboo but sheltered from society – because it forces its participants to face uncomfo...

About me
Danielle S. Roux is a first-time author who was inspired to write after having a very premature baby and their long and, at times, fraught hospitalization during the Covid-19 pandemic. Born in South Africa, she has lived on and off in France for the past 20 years, and is now based in Paris.
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