Stolen Heart tells the story of a young man struggling with love, life and sexuality. As a teenager, Elliott Denison struggled with his sexual identity. Growing up in a religious family with overly protective and strict parents was difficult. At school, Elliott found himself becoming the target o...
One night of passion leads two young lovers down a slippery slope of bitterness, deceit, and betrayal. Greg and Tyler are young and in love. They keep their relationship a secret from everyone, especially their parents. They sneak off for clandestine meetings, and it all seems so innoce...
Not everyone is lucky to be who they are. Especially in a closed-minded community. Eighteen-year-old Joshua Redgrave, although popular, has never been in a relationship. But when Michael Pendergrass, the new teacher in town, ignites feelings that Joshua’s been suppressing for years, he can no ...