Daisy Knox

Daisy Knox: Tales of Love, Life and Murder

Daisy Knox

@daisyknox - Reader

Daisy Knox

Daisy Knox

@daisyknox - Reader

Reading is my passion so I made a blog to share the books I love. When I’m not reading, I write. My first book, Go For Broke, is coming 9.09.21 from B... more

Daisy Knox
Daisy Knox imported 292 books to their Library over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Beholden to YouPrayers for RainViciousStarter WifeBurnedBeneath the Darkness: A dark enemies to lovers romanceSins or SecretsPucked LoveBaby InheritanceEnthrall
Daisy Knox
Daisy Knox started following Katy Regnery, K.A. Mulenga, Laurie Reads Romance and 14 morealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
Reading is my passion so I made a blog to share the books I love. When I’m not reading, I write. My first book, Go For Broke, is coming 9.09.21 from Boroughs Publishing. This seems like an opportunity to discover fabulous new writers and books to love so I’m excited to be here.
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📚100 books read per year