Craig Hipkins

Craig Hipkins

Craig Hipkins

@craighipkins - Author

Craig Hipkins

Craig Hipkins

@craighipkins - Author

Craig R. Hipkins has been a storyteller as long as he remembers. Along with his late twin brother Jay, they created their own fantasy world when they ... more

Craig's books

Live on Discovery


Bandy, a powerful literary novel about two unlikely friends on an escape journey during the early Civil War era. Thirteen-year-old Isaac’s only friend is a Passenger Pigeon named Bandy. He deludes himself in believing the bird talks to him. Bullied, he is resigned to a life of being the misund...

About me
Craig R. Hipkins has been a storyteller as long as he remembers. Along with his late twin brother Jay, they created their own fantasy world when they were five or six years old. With nine books published between them, the pair often drew upon history to unfold their stories to young readers.
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