Claudia Blood

Claudia Blood

Adventure Awaits. Imaginative, dynamic fantasy and sci fi

Claudia Blood

@claudiablood - Author

Claudia Blood

Claudia Blood

@claudiablood - Author

Claudia Blood’s early introduction to Dungeons and Dragons, combined with her training as a scientist and a side trip into the world of IT set her up ... more

Claudia's books

Live on Discovery

Company Assassin

It’s Duff Roman’s eighteenth birthday, but no one is lighting candles.  Turning eighteen in the orphanage on Kalecca means starvation for those who aren’t hired into a Family. Outside the Family compounds lies the jungle. And in the jungle lies death. And Relics—the only real curr...

About me
Claudia Blood’s early introduction to Dungeons and Dragons, combined with her training as a scientist and a side trip into the world of IT set her up to become an award-winning author of Science Fiction and Fantasy. For her latest release, visit her at
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