Bull Garlington

Bull Garlington

Bull Garlington

@christophergarlingto -  Author

Bull's books

Lloyd Heller sells luxury vacations in alternate timelines. If he can close one last sale in the next 24 hours, he gets his own vacation package, the best of them all, a real career topper: the platinum-level vacation package of his dreams. Too bad the secret science Heller uses to jump timeli...

Live on Discovery

Fat in Paris

NO CAMELS WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS BOOK But the author was. He fell off a camel on the way to a Bedouin camp behind the pyramids; he was nearly burned alive in an Alabama boat fire; he ate rate soup on the Playa Major; he was attacked by bats in a Mexican cenote; he was, briefly, shark ...

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About me
Bull Garlington is an award-winning author and columnist. His most recent titles were both IndieFabs’ Humor Books of the Year. He writes about travel, American whiskey, analog tools in the digital workspace. He lives in Chicago. He makes a mean gumbo.
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