Fleeing from her home after escaping the murder of her mother, inexperienced and petrified by reality with her horse as her only companion - Charlotte is met by the most notorious serial killer of the nation. His dark past and her dark future collide, in a world filled with dangers far greater th...
Standing on the shoulders of Haunt: A Novel, this powerful second entry in the Loveletting series will shock you, chapter after chapter. Love and despair are entangled in this story of circumstances pushing the boundaries of morality. A dense battlefield, both pure and grotesque. Grief, a c...
Ghost picks up right after the cliffhanger events of Curse, although not straight away, as new characters merge into the story along with old favorites. A gripping plot that doesn’t stray away, but intertwines instead, stretching across the whole series for readers to bond, explore, and abhor. ...