Cheryl Meyer

Cheryl Meyer

Author/Health Coach/ Podcaster

Cheryl Meyer

@cherylmeyer - Author

Cheryl Meyer

Cheryl Meyer

@cherylmeyer - Author

Cheryl Meyer has autoimmune disease. She eliminated toxins /reversed her pain. Cheryl has a BA from UC-Berkeley and is a health coach from IIN. Chery... more

Cheryl Meyerabout 4 years ago
I am happy to answer questions about either of my books. I really want to help others be healthier.
Cheryl Meyerabout 4 years ago
Hello, my name is Cheryl Meyer, AKA Cheryl M Health Muse and I am the author of this book. My first book discussed how I didn't pay attention to toxic load building in my body until I work up one morning in horrific pain and autoimmune disease. This lead me on a journey to discover where the toxins were in my life and what to replace them with until I returned to a place with no pain. Its easy to eat a clean herbicide/pesticide free menu and to stay away from other toxins in the home, but I don't live an isolated life, I am very social, so once I figured out how to feel great I wanted to make sure I felt that way. This food, Feeling Good, is all about how I sustain all of my new healthier habits. I share all my tips of living in community but still staying true to my health and my new found health. I share how I eat out with others, at others, how I save on healthy food, why its so important to eat the rainbow, the importance of returning to nature, stress, gratitude and also have a chapter on how to rid my house of bugs without using "cides". There is also a section on how to raise healthy children (53% in the US have a chronic illness) and how to create a low toxin environment for pets. This book could be invaluable for you to upscale your health and protect your immune system.
Cheryl Meyerabout 4 years ago
Thank you Satabdi Mukherjee. You captured exactly what I was looking to accomplish when I wrote this book, and I appreciate your heartfelt review. My goal is to touch others and inspire them to adopt healthier habits starting today. I unfortunately waited until I was sick and tired of being sick and tired and had autoimmune disease. I want to encourage everyone to start today and to live long and thrive like the people in the Blue Zones do. Once I returned to a pain free life, I knew that I had to share everything that I had learned. Your beautiful review will help me attract more readers.
Cheryl Meyer
Cheryl Meyer started following Satabdi Mukherjeeabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Cheryl Meyer
Cheryl Meyer started following Lynda Fillerover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Cheryl Meyer
Cheryl Meyer posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Sierra Melcher Nice to be followed by you.
Cheryl Meyer
Cheryl Meyer started following Felicia Bengtssonover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Cheryl Meyer
Cheryl Meyer posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Its nice to be followed by you.Aaliyah Melini
About me
Cheryl Meyer has autoimmune disease. She eliminated toxins /reversed her pain. Cheryl has a BA from UC-Berkeley and is a health coach from IIN. Cheryl is an award-winning author, international bestseller, health coach, speaker, and podcaster. She has four books.
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