Chase Marmolejo

Chase (Fiction Fanatic)

Chase Marmolejo

@chasemarmolejo - Reader

Chase Marmolejo

Chase Marmolejo

@chasemarmolejo - Reader

My name is Chase Marmolejo. I'm an avid reader and my favorite thing in the world is books! I have a Bachelor's degree in Communications and Digital F... more

Chase Marmolejo
Chase Marmolejo imported 676 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Date Me, Bryson KellerThe Throne of FireOdd One OutGrip of the Shadow PlagueKingdom of SoulsThe HeirThe Lost QueenRecursionThe Bear and the NightingaleThe Strange Fascinations of Noah Hypnotik
Chase Marmolejo
Chase Marmolejo started following Felicia Bengtssonover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
About me
My name is Chase Marmolejo. I'm an avid reader and my favorite thing in the world is books! I have a Bachelor's degree in Communications and Digital Film & I'm a huge nerd. I love reading books & writing reviews to help others find their next favorite read. I would love to be apart of this team.
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📚60 books read per year