Cassandra Hayes

Slim’s Blog

Book Reviewer

Cassandra Hayes

@cassandrahayes2092 - Reader

Cassandra Hayes

Cassandra Hayes

@cassandrahayes2092 - Reader

I love reading whenever I get free time or not doing anything that my favorite thing to do is READ. Especially being along and enjoying a good book. T... more

Cassandra Hayes
Cassandra Hayes imported 4590 books to their Library almost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
27 Ways to Find a BoyfriendThe Secret GirlLovedWhen Dimple Met RishiA Valentine for the VeterinarianDr. DeathThe Rainbow FishForbidden GemSoundlessInternational Guy: Madrid
Cassandra Hayes
Cassandra Hayes started following Jonas Brinkley, Luke Romyn, Thelonious Legend and 25 morealmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
About me
I love reading whenever I get free time or not doing anything that my favorite thing to do is READ. Especially being along and enjoying a good book. That keeps my attention.
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📚50 books read per year