Carrie Wiegman

Carrie Wiegman

Carrie Wiegman

@carriewiegman -  Author

Carrie's books

Lillian Grant has a history of dating the “wrong men,” but after she breaks it off with the latest (a full-on stalker this time), she decides once and for all: no more. She has a pleasantly small and amusing life in Denver, finding herself competing for a promotion. Looking forward to what life b...

Live on Discovery

Kate's Whisper

Special Agent Kate Jacobson finds herself, yet again, on the cusp of another intense FBI investigation. Drawing upon her in-depth training at Quantico, Kate quickly dives into the perpetrator’s method of killing and immediately sees a gruesome trend as more victims are found, putting an urg...

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About me
Carrie's passion for writing came full force with the Award-Winning debut of her first novel, Coming in from the Outfield. Her inspiration came as she is a five-year cancer survivor. She draws from her well of determination and insight to bring her relatable and unforgettable characters.
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