Britney Matthews

Britney Matthews

Britney Matthews

@britneymatthews - Reader

Britney Matthews

Britney Matthews

@britneymatthews - Reader

Hey! My name is Britney and the ultimate bookworm. I always lose track of time when immersed in a new reality. I love anything fantasy, romance or dys... more

Britney Matthews
Britney Matthews is reading a book almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About to start Furyborn by Claire Legrand! It was a newer addition to my TBR I have heard great things about!
Furyborn (The Empirium Trilogy Book 1)
Britney Matthews
Britney Matthews imported 394 books to their Library almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
A Simple FavourCity of Fallen AngelsGraevaleElla, The SlayerA Court of Frost and StarlightFirstlifeGood GameA Nordic KingHer Final BreathLegal Affairs Boxed Set: Volumes 1-6
About me
Hey! My name is Britney and the ultimate bookworm. I always lose track of time when immersed in a new reality. I love anything fantasy, romance or dystopian, and everything else. Books are my life, whether it is reading new books, writing reviews or just buying new books to add to my growing TBR.
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📚150 books read per year