Betsy Adams

Betsy Adams

Betsy Adams

@betsyadams - Author

Betsy Adams

Betsy Adams

@betsyadams - Author

Betsy Adams lives with her family in a coastal town on Long Island (New York). She is the creator of the Americans in Love romance series. In these bo... more

Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams left a comment on Asylumabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Thanks, Dan. The "Learn More" section of my website contains more source material. Writing this book was heart breaking, and the fact that the ugly rhetoric is starting up again is discouraging. I hope you took away a more complete understanding of this complicated issue than we get from the soundbites on the news. Thank you for reading it.
Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams left a comment on Asylumabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Thank you so much, Rachel, for this review and for being open to learning about Asylum. Your empathy and anger made me feel like I did my job as a writer. Things are improving under the Biden Administration, but the question of who cares for those without a country will always be with us. You are exactly right about the pacing - my books are short and I tend to rush the love story. I have heard that before and I need to slow things down in my next book (about women in Silicon Valley). There are so many worlds I want to bring to my readers, which is what keeps the books on the shorter side. Thank you so much for your insightful comments and for taking the time to read and review my book. So grateful. :)
Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams started following Rachel Barnardabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams started following Daniel Smithabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams left a comment on How to Find a Farm Wifeover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
I have to read this!! We need more books to show that Americans on "different" sides can find love and live together! Thank you, Daniel Smith!
Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams upvoted How to Find a Farm Wifeover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Betsy Adamsover 4 years ago
Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams commented on Maryssa Gordon's update over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Thank you for reading my book and for this review! I know it's too short, but I'm trying to get books out on a rapid pace to be current with the times (my next book "Asylum" takes place at the US/Mexico border and will be out mid-November, then "The Variable" about women in tech, then a BLM romance between a cop and protester, and a Native American love story between a woman who left the reservation but returns as a lawyer working on a many ideas, so little time! ). I really apologize - maybe I'll circle back to these characters and fill in the gaps when things slow/settle down! Thank you again for reading and writing the review- it means so much to a fairly new and indie writer like me. :)
Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams left a comment on The Rallyover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Thank you for reading my book and for this review! I know it's too short, but I'm trying to get books out on a rapid pace to be current with the times (my next book "Asylum" takes place at the US/Mexico border and will be out mid-November, then "The Variable" about women in tech, then a BLM romance between a cop and protester, and a Native American love story between a woman who left the reservation but returns as a lawyer working on a many ideas, so little time! ). I really apologize - maybe I'll circle back to these characters and fill in the gaps when things slow/settle down! Thank you again for reading and writing the review- it means so much to a fairly new and indie writer like me. :)
Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams started following David Bush, Maryssa Gordonover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Betsy Adams
Betsy Adams started following Felicia Bengtssonover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
About me
Betsy Adams lives with her family in a coastal town on Long Island (New York). She is the creator of the Americans in Love romance series. In these books, couples challenged by the issues of our day try to find their happily ever after.
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