Ben Wajdi

Ben Wajdi's Blog

Ben Wajdi

@benwajdi - Reader

Ben Wajdi

Ben Wajdi

@benwajdi - Reader

Ben was born Bizerte in 1990s. He grew up witnessing the horrors of uprising political Islam, the downgrading of reading in his society, and the inexp... more

Ben Wajdi
Ben Wajdi started following Anthony O'Keeffe, Kali Desautels, Darya Silman and 30 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
Ben was born Bizerte in 1990s. He grew up witnessing the horrors of uprising political Islam, the downgrading of reading in his society, and the inexplicable growing Franco-phobia. He resorted to books. More than a decade later, reading and writing are still the consuming activities of his life.
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📚52 books read per year