David Bryson

David Bryson

David Bryson

@bennysanchez - Author

David Bryson

David Bryson

@bennysanchez - Author

Born in the summer of 1946 and having the privilege of being born in the United States and learning the history of this great nation plus believing in... more

David's books

As a former member of the United States Army Special Forces, Charles Bryson lived by the motto “De Oppresso Liber,” a Latin phrase that means “To Free from Oppression” or “To Liberate the Oppressed.” Little did he realize that, years later, he would be fighting to liberate not others but himself...

About me
Born in the summer of 1946 and having the privilege of being born in the United States and learning the history of this great nation plus believing in the Consitution. Serving in the United States Army Special Forces.
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