Bardha Selmani


Bardha Selmani

@bardhaselmani - Reader

Bardha Selmani

Bardha Selmani

@bardhaselmani - Reader

A student of English Language and Literature I enjoy reading and exploring different genres and authors spread in time and geography. I enjoy YA cont... more

Bardha Selmani
Bardha Selmani imported 397 books to their Library over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Delegation & SupervisionKing LearAll's Well That Ends WellBefore Happiness: How Creating a Positive Reality First Amplifies Your Levels of Happiness and SuccessThe Art of WarThe 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that LastsThe Courage to Be Disliked: How to Free Yourself, Change your Life and Achieve Real HappinessMy Hero Academia, Vol. 5Lemons, Lemonade & Life: Practical Steps for Getting the Sweetness Back When Life Goes SourA Study in Scarlet
Bardha Selmaniover 4 years ago
About me
A student of English Language and Literature I enjoy reading and exploring different genres and authors spread in time and geography. I enjoy YA contemporaries, Historical fiction, fantasy, Manga and Graphic novels Non-fiction books on Nutrition, Minimalism, Happiness, Productivity and more.
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📚150 books read per year

🏆100 submissions per year