Baltazara Tchermnykh

Baltazara Tchermnykh

NDE experience

Baltazara Tchermnykh

@baltazaratchermnykh - Author

Baltazara Tchermnykh

Baltazara Tchermnykh

@baltazaratchermnykh - Author

Baltazara S. Tchermnykh - France. She was born in Philippines, achieved a BSC major in Business Management - FSUU 1980, Philippines, and then mov... more

Baltazara's books

Amazingly Baltazara had discovered that she possessed a strong spiritual sense haunted by incredible dreams, premonitions and visions. She had many mystical experiences that she kept since her childhood years, and constantly searching for answers. Born in Philippines, among the lush nature of...

About me
Baltazara S. Tchermnykh - France. She was born in Philippines, achieved a BSC major in Business Management - FSUU 1980, Philippines, and then move to France to join her husband. Aside from writing, she loves ballroom dancing, horse riding, playing guitar and gardening.
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