Avery Carter

Avery Carter

Avery Carter

@averycarter0893 -  Author

Avery's books

Live on Discovery


Emily Carlisle was never the main character of her own story. Known only as the Witch of the Stacks, she helped any hero or heroine who asked. Potions, spells, and the occasional magical artifact were passed on. She never kept the power for herself, and never wanted to be anything more than a sup...

Live on Discovery


Tear it down. Start again. Gwynhafahr val Dieth knew she was destined to be a Hero from the moment she could walk. Between long days studying to be a healer, and long nights pretending a stick was a sword, she knew it was only a matter of time before the Academy came for her. Never mind that h...

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About me
Avery Carter cannot remember a time when they didn’t want to write stories. From a few scrawled pages as a second grader, they have spent their life creating worlds of magic and mystery. They currently live in South Korea with their wife and two fur babies.
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