Austin Brower

Austin Brower

Science Fiction Author

Austin Brower

@austinbrower7819 - Author

Austin Brower

Austin Brower

@austinbrower7819 - Author

I am a new author from San Antonio and Bulverde, Texas. My debut book has been published, and I am working on a sequel and a new series. I am excited ... more

Austin Brower
Austin Brower upvoted The Vale Machine9 months ago
9 months ago
Austin Brower
Austin Brower commented on Andrew McGlinchey's update 10 months ago
10 months ago
Dear Andrew, Thank you so much for taking the time to write a review of my book. I truly appreciate your thoughtful breakdown and honest opinion. Your understanding of my status as a new author and acknowledgment of the rough edges in my work means a lot to me. I agree that I have some things to work through as I strive to perfect the author life. Your feedback is invaluable and will guide me as I continue to hone my craft. I am excited to share that I have written three other books and am currently finishing up the third book in The Vale Trilogy. This trilogy has been a labor of love, and I can't wait to see it come to fruition. Additionally, I have embarked on two new series that I am incredibly excited about. Each new project brings its own set of challenges and joys, and I am grateful for readers like you who support and encourage me along the way. Thank you once again for your support, your detailed review, and your understanding. Your words inspire me to keep pushing forward and improving. I look forward to sharing more of my work with you and hearing your thoughts. Best regards, Austin Brower
Austin Brower
Austin Brower started following Andrew McGlinchey10 months ago
10 months ago
Austin Brower
Austin Brower started following Joey Madia12 months ago
12 months ago
Austin Brower
Austin Brower imported 80 books to their Library 12 months ago
12 months ago
The Third Wife of Faraday HouseTurtles All the Way DownEldestWorld War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie WarAdventures of Huckleberry FinnSchizophrenia & Bipolar Disease: Often Misdiagnosed, Often MistreatedThe Blade ItselfThe History of Middle-Earth Boxed SetThe Scarlet LetterUnfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth
Austin Brower
Austin Brower started following Hallie Hoffmanabout 1 year ago
about 1 year ago
About me
I am a new author from San Antonio and Bulverde, Texas. My debut book has been published, and I am working on a sequel and a new series. I am excited to welcome you to my literary world!
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