Aubrey Maria ✌

Aubrey Maria ✌

Aubrey Maria ✌

@aubreymaria - Reader

Aubrey Maria ✌

Aubrey Maria ✌

@aubreymaria - Reader

Right now I’m writing a book and I hope to get it published in a year or so. I’ve been writing it for so long. But I believe good books take time! ... more

Aubrey Maria ✌
Aubrey Maria ✌ started following Becky Moe, Ahana Rao, C.C. Roth and 5 moreover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
About me
Right now I’m writing a book and I hope to get it published in a year or so. I’ve been writing it for so long. But I believe good books take time! Tears are words that need to be written. -Paulo Coelho Write what should not be forgotten. -Isabel Allende
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