A Reader in Time

A Reader in Time

A Reader in Time

@areaderintime - Reviewer

A Reader in Time

A Reader in Time

@areaderintime - Reviewer

Hi there! My name is Amanda and I’m a BookTuber who loves to talk about books. I’ve been reading my whole life and love the ability to escape between ... more

A Reader in Time
A Reader in Time is reading a book over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Not as good as the others in this trilogy but still enjoying it immensly
Queen of Air and Darkness (3) (The Dark Artifices)
A Reader in Time
A Reader in Time is reading a book over 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
I am loving this book so far, the atompshere is some of the best I have read and am curious to see where the story goes!
House of Salt and Sorrows
About me
Hi there! My name is Amanda and I’m a BookTuber who loves to talk about books. I’ve been reading my whole life and love the ability to escape between the pages of books. I live in Alaska and love it here!
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📚100 books read per year

🏆10 submissions per year