Antionette van der Gryp

Antionette van der Gryp

An Author for Adventurous Women

Antionette van der Gryp

@antionettevandergryp -  Reviewer

Antionette's books

Live on Discovery


Holding back the Gader horde has been the priority of every able-bodied person on Earth for the past 80 years … But after a decade Vin Montgomery returns home and she has vengeance on her mind … Her body has been advanced … Her rebels are in place … The only thing standing in her way ...

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About me
My name is Antionette van der Gryp. I have lived in South Africa and the UK, but I consider myself a world traveler. In 2023 I published my debut novel Human and was recently a recipient of the 2023 Shelf Unbound Notable 100 book award.
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