Anita Dawes

Anita Dawes

do we live to write, or write to live?

Anita Dawes

@anitadawes - Reader

Anita Dawes

Anita Dawes

@anitadawes - Reader

Anita Dawes loves all things esoteric, magical and otherworldly and would prefer to live in a fairy tale. She has written six novels in various genr... more

Anita Dawes
Anita Dawes imported 220 books to their Library almost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1)The Maps of Tolkien's Middle-earthNormalJust DestinyViral BluesThe No. 1 Ladies' Detective AgencyLife of PiShogun: The Epic Novel of Japan (The Asian Saga)Networking for writers.Excalibur
Anita Dawes
Anita Dawes started following Maria Chupp, Suzy Davies, Jacquelyn Mitchard and 48 morealmost 4 years ago
almost 4 years ago
About me
Anita Dawes loves all things esoteric, magical and otherworldly and would prefer to live in a fairy tale. She has written six novels in various genres, Bad Moon, Simple, Secrets, The Scarlet Ribbon; Let it Go and Not My Life. She is presently working on the sequel to The Scarlet Ribbon.
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