alyce elmore

alyce elmore

Contemporary Australian writer

alyce elmore

@alyceelmore -  Author

alyce's books

Live on Discovery

When All Hope Is Lost

2049 is a world where men never grow old because they die by the time they are twenty. Women however, live long and productive lives and now must decide on the future of mankind. But do they have all the information to make an informed decision? Book 1 of the Angels Have Tread Trilogy is a fast p...

Live on Discovery

Pray To the Dead

Twenty years ago The Desolation wiped out all males over the age of twenty and despite the best efforts of researchers no cure has been found. Women have recovered and adapted to this new world but what should they do about the 'male problem'? With the reintroduction of democratic elections loomi...

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About me
Alyce Elmore writes short stories and novels that search for answers by scavenging through time and place, exploring the real and the fantastic and along the way encountering the outrageous and the mundane.
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