Alisha Nathta

Alisha Nathta

Alisha Nathta

@alishanathta - Reader

Alisha Nathta

Alisha Nathta

@alishanathta - Reader

Alisha Nathta is a Research scholar based in Himalayas. The keen eye and observation is something that makes her a readily reader with a response that... more

Alisha Nathta
Alisha Nathta published a reviewover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
A must read book to make your while worth diving into a classical journey and that makes you think about different possibilities.
One of George Bernard Shaw's best-known plays, Pygmalion was a rousing success on the London and New...
Alisha Nathta
Alisha Nathta imported 26 books to their Library over 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
HamletOthelloWalden & Civil DisobediencePygmalionOf Mice and MenThe Communist ManifestoWhite TeethMein KampfLolitaLord of the Flies
Alisha Nathta
Alisha Nathta started following Felicia Bengtsson, Delilah Bluette, Jos 29 and 3 moreover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
About me
Alisha Nathta is a Research scholar based in Himalayas. The keen eye and observation is something that makes her a readily reader with a response that is globally narrative.
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📚90 books read per year