Aaron Cahoon

Aaron Cahoon

Aaron Cahoon

@aaroncahoon - Author

Aaron Cahoon

Aaron Cahoon

@aaroncahoon - Author

Graduate in International Studies from Brigham Young University Idaho and aspiring author, currently living in Oregon with his wife and cat. Enjoys bo... more

Aaron Cahoon
Aaron Cahoon posted an updateabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
Working on something cool. A fantasy story that takes place in a world with mostly modern technology
Aaron Cahoonabout 2 years ago
Aaron Cahoon
Aaron Cahoon posted an updateover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
One thing I've been doing is a fundraiser for Extra Life! I streamed for about 4 hours earlier and am going to be streaming a bit later today. https://www.extra-life.org/participant/500206
Aaron Cahoon
Aaron Cahoon posted an updatealmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Got a new project going on my Royal Road! https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/55071/cleaning-up-after-the-heroes The day of prophecy has finally come. The Hero has drawn the Sword of Dawn and is off to slay the Demon King with his three companions. However, before heading out, he has sent off a call for someone, anyone, to follow his party and chronicle their journeys. A call that has reached the ears of one Ilala Twistfall, a gnome historian with a heart for adventure. Unfortunately, she arrived a little too late, and the position was already filled. Now, she's desperately trying to catch up to the Heroes to beg for another chance. But throughout her own adventures, she will soon discover that, even with the best of intentions, the Heroes' actions have had some unintended side-effects.
Aaron Cahoon
Aaron Cahoon posted an updatealmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
30,000 words on my next project!
Aaron Cahoon
Aaron Cahoon asked a questionalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Hey, quick question for those of you who are following me. Do you guys subscribe to author newsletters? Also if so, what types of things do you look for in newsletters? And if not, what things do you wish were in newsletters?
100%Yes1 vote
0%No0 votes
Aaron Cahoon
Aaron Cahoon posted an updatealmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Hey! Thanks for all the follows. I'm gonna just go ahead and drop a link to a sneak peak at my current work-in-progress! https://www.aaroncahoon.net/2022/03/a-sneak-peak-at-what-im-working-on.html
Aaron Cahoon
Aaron Cahoon started following Rick Jacksonalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Aaron Cahoonalmost 3 years ago
Hey! Thanks for the review and the feedback! It's a first project so I'm glad to get some pointers on how to improve, even when it comes to marketing since I wasn't 100% sure on which genres to categorize the book. I appreciate you taking the time to do this!
About me
Graduate in International Studies from Brigham Young University Idaho and aspiring author, currently living in Oregon with his wife and cat. Enjoys books, movies, tabletop roleplaying games, video games, music, and the occasional football game. https://www.royalroad.com/profile/244578/fictions
Profile URL

📚16 books read per year