Tiajuana Smith Pittman

Tiajuana Smith Pittman

Tiajuana Smith Pittman

@UniquelyFlawed1 - Author

Tiajuana Smith Pittman

Tiajuana Smith Pittman

@UniquelyFlawed1 - Author

Tiajuana Smith Pittman and her husband Michael live in Maryland. Together, they pastor a beautiful community. She’s obsessed with translating hard-hit... more

Tiajuana Smith Pittman
Tiajuana Smith Pittman posted an updateover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Seeing lives transformed because I dared to share my flaws is priceless! More than a book, it’s become a conversation. Since its release, I’ve launched Uniquely Flawed The Conversation, live on Facebook (FB: Tiajuana Smith-Pittman). A talk show where real talk is the show. It’s relevant, relatable and restorative conversations about embracing the process and colliding with our God-purposed uniqueness; flaws and all. In addition to launching the show, I’ve become an Amazon bestselling author of a bestselling book! Purchase your copy today at www.tiajuanapittman.com It’s true. God’s faithfulness remains unrivaled! Our flaws are far-reaching and more impactful than the complexities in which they’re established. Stay tuned for a big announcement coming soon. Thank you for your support and God bless you!
Tiajuana Smith Pittmanover 2 years ago
Tiajuana Smith Pittman
Tiajuana Smith Pittman commented on Vincent G's update over 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
 Vincent, your review is empowering! Thank you for such kind words. 
Tiajuana Smith Pittman
Tiajuana Smith Pittman commented on Vincent G's update over 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
Vincent, your review is empowering! Thank you for such kind words. 
Tiajuana Smith Pittman
Tiajuana Smith Pittman started following Felicia Bengtsson, Bobby Howellalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
About me
Tiajuana Smith Pittman and her husband Michael live in Maryland. Together, they pastor a beautiful community. She’s obsessed with translating hard-hitting spiritual truths into everyday language. At an early age, writing helped express unspoken truths. Her lifelines are family, writing, and serving!
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