Randy Kabitz

Randy Kabitz

Randy Kabitz

@RKabitz - Author

Randy Kabitz

Randy Kabitz

@RKabitz - Author

Randy is a sci-fi writer and a former production artist for major motion pictures. Born in Hawaii, he grew up playing with spirits in the cold-dark wo... more

Randy Kabitz
Randy Kabitz left a comment on Eighth Resonanceabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Dear Lisbeth, Thanks for the worth reading, but I feel your review deserves a direct reply as some of it is factually inaccurate and is not a proper representation of my book. I don't think it's fair to me or my potential readers. As such Reedsy has refused to take this review down despite it's inaccuracies. Maybe I'm wrong, but it appears to me that you skimmed it and didn't take the time to actually read it. You didn't even bother to spell the name of the aliens correctly. It's Iter-pestim! Not Inter-pestim. Iter-pestim is latin for traveling plague. I don't know what inter-pestim is. I will address your factually inaccurate review point by point: 1. Uncovering the nature of the antagonists is part of the book. That being said, it occurs long before the final 50 pages. The book unravels their nature little by little, and the reveals get progressively bigger. What you said is just factually inaccurate. 2. They don't have varying power or abilities. It's consistent through out. I think you misread or misunderstood something. True, they get stronger in a group, but that is also consistent through out. 3. "...too convenient". A theme in the book is that things happen that have such a small chance of happening that they approach zero. To approach zero is actually the name of one of the chapters because of this very idea. Admittedly, I named it the calculus equation of "to approach zero" specifically for my math and science fans out there. I actually mention how improbable certain things are several times in the book. It's part of the narrative. Again, this suggests you skimmed the book. I say this at great professional risk, but I think it needs to be said. Maybe the book wasn't for you and that's OK. I've read many best sellers and classics that bored me to tears. Critical acclaim isn't always the best litmus test. Even Fight Club debuted horribly, and I consider that a masterpiece. Sometimes a book isn't a good fit. But if I were to post a public review, I would make sure it was A: accurate and B: fair. I don't feel I got either of those here.
Randy Kabitz
Randy Kabitz commented on Randy Kabitz's update about 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Randy Kabitz
Randy Kabitz posted an updateabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Hey out there to all free-range humans who might be reading this. My book could use all the upvotes it can get. Please help me out if you can.
Randy Kabitz
Randy Kabitz upvoted Eighth Resonanceabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Randy Kabitz
Randy Kabitz started following Felicia Bengtssonabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Randy Kabitz
Randy Kabitz shared an update on Eighth Resonanceabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Interesting fact: The youngest pilot to shoot down an enemy in Vietnam was only 23 years old. "n September 1966, at 23 years old, Richter became the youngest American pilot to shoot down a North Vietnamese MiG aircraft during a mission to find surface-to-air missile (SAM) sites in North Vietnam." https://blogs.va.gov/VAntage/98399/veteranoftheday-air-force-veteran-karl-richter/
Randy Kabitz
Randy Kabitz posted an updateabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Covid sucks!
Randy Kabitz
Randy Kabitz started following Jim Infantino, Alexandre Giboux, Elaine Graham-Leigh and 134 moreabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Randy Kabitz
Randy Kabitz started following David Clark, Michael Sandels, Deirdre Evans and 50 moreabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
About me
Randy is a sci-fi writer and a former production artist for major motion pictures. Born in Hawaii, he grew up playing with spirits in the cold-dark woods of Minnesota. He began writing in 2020. Eighth Resonance is his first novel.
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