Alexandrina Wilson

Alexandrina Wilson

Alexandrina Wilson

@MissLexie97 -  Author

Alexandrina's books

Live on Discovery

On Virgin Moors

The Unity holds dominion over the breadth of space. And now, at last, they've set their sights on the final prize. That prize is Essegena - a planet at the farthest edge of the universe, ripe for human habitation and yet completely untouched. But all is not well on Essegena. Three of the colony'...

Live on Discovery

The Burgeoning Storm

A darkness rises. The halcyon days of Essegena are over, and it hasn’t even been a year. Death’s heavy hand has already fallen upon the Eia Valley. As winter draws near, so the shadows begin to deepen. And within those shadows are unspeakable things. Governor Ballard is losing allies. His w...

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About me
Alexandrina Wilson made her authorial debut with "On Virgin Moors". Between books, she makes time to write a brand new poem every week - and when she's not writing, she's probably reading. She lives in Hereford, UK - and greatly appreciates her geographical proximity to the local cider makers.
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