Ennes Higgins

Ennes Higgins

Ennes Higgins

@EnnesHiggins - Author

Ennes Higgins

Ennes Higgins

@EnnesHiggins - Author

Ennes Higgins loves to read books with her own children – and since there are four of them, they are getting through many, many, MANY books! She enjo... more

Ennes Higgins
Ennes Higgins upvoted Dragons in the Barnalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Ennes Higgins
Ennes Higgins imported 29 books to their Library almost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Where the Wild Things AreThe Lovely Bones1st to DieGreen Eggs and HamThe DaVinci Code: A Quest for AnswersThe Maze RunnerHarry Potter and the Prisoner of AzkabanGhostsTales from a Not-So-Talented Pop StarDawn and the Impossible Three
Ennes Higgins
Ennes Higgins started following Kameron Brook, Julia Minkalmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Ennes Higgins
Ennes Higgins started following Dịch Vụ Hỏa Táng, Kaela Perez, Sarah Elzaher and 21 morealmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
About me
Ennes Higgins loves to read books with her own children – and since there are four of them, they are getting through many, many, MANY books! She enjoys sparking children’s´ imagination and encourages spending time with creative play and make-believe worlds - because there, anything is possible!
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