Kennedy Sangiovese
Kennedy Sangiovese posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
I just listened to Christopher Higgins debating the existance of God at Biola college., He inspires me so. So here is my take: I went to a Xmas event at Biola during the 70’s, my sister having attended this college. Today she happily flys around to Christian conferences during this pandemic, to get the latest on prophesy predictions from the entrails of liberals and the oracles of her luminaries - scruffy theologians who have DVD’s to prove such nonsensical claims. I’m beginning to believe in her prophesies of doom, hatched down the street a block from Disneyland, in a Fantasyland not requireing an E ticket, only the suspension of history and reason by the prophet Hal Lindsey. The world does seem to be coming to an end at the hands of single issue evengelicals that have bartered environmental stewardship to hurry the end of the world, easier than a life of sacrifice, giving a cup of water to the thirsty - meanwhile taking pilgrimages to Isreal to gaze upon the fields of Armageddon, quite unconcerned of the fates of the holy people in the region. Oh, back to my point, the students were all quite lovely and kind to me, easily believing my tricks to get in without a ticket - a true Christian quality, which i try to replay daily. If you like this diatribe, you will love my books coming soon - hopefully after the rapture, less trouble that way with those who would cast the first and last stone.

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