Liam Cadoc
Liam Cadoc posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
I invite one and all to enter my unique contest. The Archer's Diary Book Two Contest Want to fight and live alongside Robin Hood? Then select the following link to see how YOU can enter and stand beside Robin Hood as he fights the invading Normans in medieval England. Liam Cadoc, author of The Archer's Diary - Book One, is preparing to write the sequel—Book Two, and he invites two of his readers to take an active role in his forthcoming book. There are two places vacant to fill in Robin Hood's band—one female, one male. During the writing of Book Two, the author (at his discretion) will confer with each of the two winners at times, asking what decision they might make when confronted with a particular situation. The winner's decision could prove vital to the outcome of the story. In addition to their active role in the story process, each winner will have their own page at the end of the book, highlighting their involvement with the author, their winning paragraph entry, and their own short bio and photograph (if they wish.) This is a unique opportunity for readers to participate alongside author, Liam Cadoc, in the creation of a medieval world and to open the door to action and adventure, and life and death, for other intrepid readers to enter.

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