I thoroughly enjoyed writing a novel about sisterhood and family bonds and spending time with my characters. I have three siblings and often wondered how flowers from the same garden could be so different… These, too, believed they had nothing in common until realizing they had everything…
The topic of organ donation is very personal to me. In 2006, I volunteered to give one of my kidneys to a friend who had undergone two previous transplantations, both eventually failing, rejected by her immune system. After weeks of testing, I was told I was a “perfect match,” and the surgery was scheduled for May 2006. But Bev’s ailing body couldn’t fight anymore; she died at Miami hospital just before receiving the organ that would give her another lease on life.
In writing this book, my intent was to entertain and bring increased awareness and sensitivity to the quintessential issue of organ donation and the miraculous life-saving procedures of transplantations. I will have succeeded if just one more person signs up to the registry after reading Hearts We Leave Behind.
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