Shawna James
Shawna James posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Are you an avid audiobook fan? Do you enjoy listening to new romantic drama suspense reads? Do you love to kick back reading romantic drama books and have always wanted to listen to one instead? Here's your chance … and would love for you to be a part of this celebration of the release of the sequel, "As It Should Be", in the They Loved Collection!   Will be sharing with the first 10 lucky US and UK audiobook fans a free gifted audiobook of Book One in the ‘They Loved Collection’, "Despite the Devil", please leave your honest feedback in a review and rating on Amazon and Audible. It's that simple. Here is all you need to do to get your gifted audiobook: 1.) Please send us an email request with your first and last name and your Amazon Profile Name to: (Yes, we will keep your email private, your email will not be shared)   2.) We will email you the 'Gift Code' for your free audiobook when receiving your email request.   3.) When finished listening to the audiobook, you can go back to Amazon and Audible, and leave your rating and an honest little review. Start your review with: "The author gifted me a copy of the audiobook," ...and a sentence or two about the book. It's that simple! 

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