user_2443 0967
user_2443 0967 posted an updateabout 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Welcome, welcome! Hi. I'm Timber.  I'm a coffee-drinker, optimist, writer, singer, pianist, and reader. Nothing excites me more than finishing a good book, going to church, and the perfect 80's or 90's movie/tv show.  I love to write short stories, and I just finished a full book! 👏 I'm a Catholic and proud of it. I am very pro-Life. "A person's a person no matter how small." -Dr. Seuss I'm just going to ramble on about things. Here's a link to my Reedsy page: Does anyone know why Zack Morris and AC Slater are so freakin' cute? I don't. ❤👌 Yep, that's me!  My greatest joys in life are my 6 brothers and 4 sisters, and my parents, and my love of God-next its writing, reading, singing, music, etc. I hope everyone enjoys reading these posts as much as I enjoy writing them. I am an emerging writer/singer/blogger based in the Northeast.  When I'm not singing, on Reedsy, playing with my siblings, or hanging with friends, I enjoy maintaining a clean room and writing short romance/contemporary stories. For some reason, I really like vegan jelly beans and dipping Tostitos in ranch. I would looooove to be an author or an architect or a baker someday.  Color me impressed if you actually read through that whole thing. Have a wonderful day/night and hopefully it's blessed with the best kinds of sparkles and cheese :) - kisses ✰✰

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