Marcus Deiss
Marcus Deiss posted an updateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Corporate culture serves two crucial functions; (i) accommodating employees to understand how they collaborate. Accommodation refers to the shared identity employees develop that enable them to work together effectively. (ii) To assist the organisation in adapting to external circumstances. Adaptation refers to how the organisation achieves its goals and deals with non-employees matters. Despite corporate culture being a competitive advantage, only a few organisations seem to implement change effectively while others fail dramatically. Corporate culture initiatives are unsuccessful when they fail to address critical issues or when they are impracticable. Research publications (Kotter, 1994, 1996) indicates that 70 % of all change initiatives fail. One reason for the high failure rate (or the slow progress) is an organisations' barriers and capabilities in adapting with adequate technology and innovation to respond to industry changes and customer demands quicker.  Thriving today requires governments and businesses to evolve from traditional to transformational change management across many levels to support growth and expansion. For this reason, the book Great Corporate Culture looks beyond the self-evident insights of culture in government institutions and businesses to propose a way forward for leaders driving transformation and making an organisation's business development strategy fit for change. Hardcover in Lulu store: Paperback and Ebook on Amazon:

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