Paul Bennett
Paul Bennett posted an updateover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
A snippet from book 1 of The Mallory Saga - Clash of Empires Otetiani awoke to the sounds of thunder, and of Liza preparing their breakfast. That he had slept surprised him, as he had not for almost three days. During their short stay at the fort, Pierre told Otetiani what he saw across the river, how Orenda died and the image of Orenda tied to that tree haunted his dreams still, as did the sound of her screams as she cried out to him. Daniel and Henry were already awake, and making ready to begin today’s trek to Donehogawa’s camp on Mahoning Creek. Teeyeehogrow and Pierre rose before dawn to backtrack, to see if anyone was in pursuit. They stood on a hilltop about two miles from camp, looking down at a troop of French about a mile distant preparing to break camp. “Best to warn the others, and hasten our pace,” said Pierre. Teeyeehogrow nodded in agreement, and replied, “We don’t know for sure they are after us, though I suspect they are. There’s little chance they won’t find our tracks.” They returned to their tethered mounts, soothing the trembling horses as a blast of thunder and flash of lightning pierced the early morning quiet. Another sudden clap of thunder brought a pelting rain that soaked them to the bones as they made their way back to camp. “The beckoning call of the rising sun,” spoke Pierre, “the breath of promise on the early morning breeze. Dawn is God’s blessing to man and beast, though it seems to be an off day for the almighty. I suppose even God enjoys a bit of variety.” Teeyeehogrow slapped Pierre on the back and chuckled, “More likely he’s mighty agitated about something.” “My friend, you are quite probably truer to the mark,” replied Pierre.

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