MaryAnn Clarke
MaryAnn Clarke posted an updatealmost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
Mother's Day weekend book sale! Two of my books, heartfelt and fun ones with kids in them, are on price drop this weekend for Mother's Day. Be Mine This Time & Making Room For You are both $5.88 US and $8.99 in a lot of other currencies until midnight Sunday. Be Mine This Time This second-chance romance between two heart-sore college sweethearts will warm your heart this Mother's Day. Single dad Simon will make you swoon, while you cheer for single working Kate to get the second chance at the love and family she deserves. Making Room For You Read this fun story about two people who are not much inclined toward love, marriage and family, nor particularly fond of each other, while they hilariously join forces to take care of their best friends' kids for a few weeks. Will they have a change of heart? p.s. Making Room For You was reviewed here on Reedsy Discovery by Karla Danklu. She loved it! This is your chance to check it out. Universal Link: Universal Link: Nymphaea Press Store:

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