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An interesting story of betrayal, compromise, doing the best with what you've been given, and finding friendship in the most unlikely places


TRIANGLE OF TREASON introduces readers to Captain Rodney Grant, Royal Navy, retired, who, after a chance meeting with Adolf Hitler, becomes an unlikely spy for the Third Reich. Grant, who retires in Bermuda, finds himself embroiled in treason by providing the Germans with useful intelligence regarding the location of American and British shiping in the Atlantic.
Meanwhile, American pilot Harley Harvey is deployed to Bermuda where he’ll fly reconnaissance missions from the island, hunting for German U-boats
Harley befriends Allan “Hooks” Jones, a black, local Bermudian ferry pilot and fisherman. He falls in love with Becky, Hooks’ daughter. As an interracial couple, Harley and Becky know they must keep their relationship a secret, as Bermuda was strictly segregated at the time.
As the story unfolds, Hooks accidentally witnesses Grant’s rendezvous with a German U-boat. When Hooks reveals what he’s witnessed to Harley, the two join forces to finish Captain Grant. With the clock ticking down and Grant on the run, the two try to thwart the escape of the turncoat. With only seconds before the traitor boards the German submarine and escapes forever, Harley and Hooks risk their lives in this action-packed thriller.

The story circles around the different lives and backgrounds of several people from different social classes and parts of the world, and how they somehow end up in Bermuda at the same time. Initially, the story takes place prior to the outbreak of WW2, followed by the years of a world deep in war - even in the peaceful shore of Bermuda.

Some people try to escape the troubles of a conflicted Europe by settling down on the island, whilst others are placed there against their own will. Whatever their reason for ending up there, all the characters eventually find themselves in the same place, and somehow their lives are intertwined. Even though the characters and specific events are fictional, the book paints a good picture of what life might have looked like at this time for the people of Bermuda - and specifically the soldiers that fought for their country.

At times, it can be a little difficult to keep up with all the different characters and the timeline of the story, but as it progresses it becomes easier to keep up. Having said that, witnessing the characters develop over time, and reading about the battle over who will survive and who will lose, is a quite thrilling experience. All in all, this is a very interesting story of betrayal, compromise, doing the best with what you've been given, and finding love and friendship in the most unlikely places.

I would definitely recommend this book to people with an interest in WW2, and how the war specifically affected various parts of the world. To be honest, you might have to be somewhat of a history nerd to thoroughly enjoy the detailed descriptions of the historical incidents. However, I am certain that you might enjoy this book, even if you have a rather small or insignificant interest in WW2 and/or war in general, in addition to historical fiction as a genre.

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I have always loved reading and writing, and discovering new, great books is one of my favourite things to do. My favourite genres to read are historical fiction, classics, poetry, fantasy and short stories. In addition, I have a background in songwriting, creative writing and English Literature.


TRIANGLE OF TREASON introduces readers to Captain Rodney Grant, Royal Navy, retired, who, after a chance meeting with Adolf Hitler, becomes an unlikely spy for the Third Reich. Grant, who retires in Bermuda, finds himself embroiled in treason by providing the Germans with useful intelligence regarding the location of American and British shiping in the Atlantic.
Meanwhile, American pilot Harley Harvey is deployed to Bermuda where he’ll fly reconnaissance missions from the island, hunting for German U-boats
Harley befriends Allan “Hooks” Jones, a black, local Bermudian ferry pilot and fisherman. He falls in love with Becky, Hooks’ daughter. As an interracial couple, Harley and Becky know they must keep their relationship a secret, as Bermuda was strictly segregated at the time.
As the story unfolds, Hooks accidentally witnesses Grant’s rendezvous with a German U-boat. When Hooks reveals what he’s witnessed to Harley, the two join forces to finish Captain Grant. With the clock ticking down and Grant on the run, the two try to thwart the escape of the turncoat. With only seconds before the traitor boards the German submarine and escapes forever, Harley and Hooks risk their lives in this action-packed thriller.



Hooks could wait no longer. He was about a half mile from the sub and the traitor was fast approaching. He loaded the flare gun and fired three shots up in the air, angled towards the sub. Then he fired the remaining three. Kapitänleutnant Otto Lehman, commanding officer of U-66, was on top of the conning tower looking at the German spy through his binoculars. He was very close, and Lehman could see the agent’s face in detail. He was waving frantically. Then he heard popping sounds and swung his head towards the noise. Flares!!! Oh my god!!


“Kapitan! There are two men still outside on the deck to assist the agent in boarding!”        

“Forget about the agent! Get the men below at once! This is an Alarm!” Lehman disappeared below. It took the two men on deck many extra precious seconds to drop their hooks and lines, scramble back up to the top of the conning tower, plunge down the hatch and secure it. Inside U-66 there was organized chaos. All crew that weren’t required to conn the boat were rushing forward to the bow to make a quicker dive. Lehman barked, “All ahead flank, set bow-planes to maximum dive - 60 degrees down.” The crewmen repeated his orders as they performed the task.

“Kapitan, what’s wrong? What happened?” demanded the navigation officer.

“We’ve been discovered. Someone let off flares. Flood forward tanks! Right full rudder! Set course to 045 degrees! Rig the ship for impact!”

Hooks stopped Jezebel. He didn’t want to get too close to what he knew was coming next. The Nazi agent heard them before he saw them. The flares caused everybody to panic. He was just about to climb aboard the sub when the flares appeared. To his absolute horror, the crew members who had been deployed on deck to assist his boarding, turned and looked at the captain on the conning tower. They then ran to the tower where the main hatch was. He could hear the captain yelling, “Alaaaaarm!”

“Hey! Come back! You can’t leave!” It was obvious that the sub was about to dive. The Nazi agent threw his duffle bag on the sub’s deck and leapt aboard. But the sub had gotten underway and the bow was sinking beneath the surface. Seawater streamed over the surface of the deck and swept him overboard. A plane appeared out of the moonlit sky and started to strafe the sub. He saw flashes from the machine guns. The ocean around him erupted as the rounds hit the water in a line that led directly to the sub. One of the bullets ricocheted off the steel hull of the sub and hit him in the shoulder. It burned like fire as he felt despair enclosing him. More planes! The night was alive with them. The sea convulsed around him as bombs fell from the sky. Then his world suddenly stopped.


About the author

Following a successful career in finance and public policy, Bob Richards became Finance Minister of Bermuda. Richards grew up during the period of segregation and witnessed its demise. He then witnessed the transformation of Bermuda into its incredible emergence as a financial center. view profile

Published on August 02, 2021

Published by Filament Publishing

70000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Historical Fiction

Reviewed by