Do you ever wonder why there are so many diets out there and people are still struggling with their weight? Are you curious to know why? I think I know why.
I bet that no matter what you do you still struggling with your weight. You also have a complicated relationship with food (love certain foods and hate another) which impacts your appetite, when you are tired, anxious, or bored you cannot control portion intake even if you are not hungry, this called emotional eating, or a stress-eating. Yet you still have hope that the next diet will stick, or that redoing the diet that worked 5 years ago will work again.
However, it is not going to.
The hardest part is when you find yourself weighing more than you have lost, and when you have a wardrobe full of clothes of all shapes and sizes, that does not fit anymore! And when you get a loser feeling every time you open your wardrobe and keep telling yourself that you haven't tried hard enough, trained enough, or were not motivated enough to follow it. Moreover, this blame will keep you cemented in unnecessary emotional darkness where the only thing that actually helps you feel better is food.
I know all of this very well because I have been their once. After 5 years, with hundreds of books I have read and the people I have met, to end up food addiction, my book is now ready to help you find the best, shortest, easy way in your journey.
In this book, I will help you understand and feel empowered with every change you make.
Now, I want to thank you for choosing this book, ‘Think, Eat, Move, a weight loss solution, three weeks weight loss plan with healthy meals recipes’, by choosing it, I congratulate you on moving forward to choose a healthy lifestyle.
I will first give out a big secret, this secret is the solution to weight loss and living a healthy lifestyle, it lies in adhering to the three basic rules plan (I personally followed) and stops doing a transient diet, Aligning with Continuity and responsibility is necessary.
This book is written especially for those of you who treat their body as a temple and who are aware and conscious of what choices to make.
We offered many choices in today’s world, especially with regard to our food. Some of them are obviously good ones, while others are unhealthy. Whether you choose this book to opt for losing weight or to live a healthy lifestyle using the meal recipes to avoid the temptation of junk food, it will help you. Part 3 included a compilation of some of the most nutritious recipes that are just easy to cook.
There is a popular misconception that healthy food is bland and boring, and through this book, I intend to bust that myth. In this book, you will get access to some of the most delicious breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner recipes, which will help you, lose weight in a healthy manner. All these recipes made from freshly sourced ingredients that are easily available in your local farmers’ market. The ingredients are budget-friendly and the recipes are easy to cook, even for a novice cook. By experimenting with these recipes, you will learn that healthy eating can be interesting too and you will completely change your outlook toward your health.
To get the best results with regards to weight loss, I would recommend following this book solution precisely. At the end of the day, it is not just what you eat, but also how you burn it that helps to maintain optimal weight. So what are you waiting for? Let us get started.
My story
My story begins on the day of my son birthday, we were having fun, and he photographed me with his mobile phone and asked me to look at my picture. When I saw it I felt sad, I looked very old, my face is so full and my body gives me more than my real age, and that triggers me, how did I reach this point of weighing 98 kg?
Losing that amount of weight seemed like an impossible challenge, but really, it is not and also it does not mean it is an easy job. Therefore, I started my journey with weight loss through a lot of experiments and errors but ended up succeeding in discovering the best way to lose weight.
Also being an employee was a drain because I was trying to give priority to my health and fitness just as my priority to work. Health must come first, so setting a daily plan of physical activities is essential, and my journey has focused on periods of training, weight lifting and a healthy diet, after all, it became a routine activity in my life.
I lost 25 kilograms, kept it, and I am still losing more only by following the three basic rules included in this book.
Experts always emphasize the importance of adhering to a healthy diet continuously, so far, we do not pay attention to that process.
I found that a secret solution to weight loss lies in adhering to the three basic rules plan and stop doing a transient diet, as well as continuity and responsibility is the secret behind all.
Part 1: The Metabolism
Has it caught your attention that some people maintain their weight stable even if they are eating a huge amount of food? Well, the reason is their metabolic rate, so let us learn about metabolism.
The (Human Body) the calorie-burning machine
The human body is an amazing machine that requires energy to maintain it through complex metabolic processes. However, for many of us, the machine has become slow and ineffective, and partially damaged and rusted.
Anyone who is serious about losing weight and getting a healthy, strong body should first learn how to increase their metabolic rate. In other words, he wants to remove the rust, and launch his own calorie-calorie-burning machine.
What is Metabolism?
Metabolism is one of the vital processes that take place inside the human body. It is responsible for producing energy within the cells of the body by destroying nutrients that digested within the digestive system and converting them to different forms of energy by going through a series of chemical reactions. Metabolism is the process by which different cells and tissues are constructed and destroyed.
What is the main function of Metabolism?
It is to provide the energy or calories needed to cover body functions or maintain vital functions, thousands of metabolic processes can occur at the same time in the body. One of the most important processes Muscle metabolism occurs significantly to maintain, build, and perform the tasks required of it. Therefore, a person with a greater muscle mass does more metabolically than a person with a larger fat mass and has less metabolism.
Metabolism plays an important closely related role in weight loss and weight gain. Those who try to lose weight work to raise their metabolic rate to consume more energy during the day, especially during rest.
A number of factors determine the rate of metabolism in general, such as body size. The more weight and volume of the body, the higher the rate of metabolism, also, the rate of metabolism can be determined by sex, males in general, have a greater metabolic rate than females, and other factors that determine the rate of metabolism is Age.
The magic formula?
A calorie-calorie-burning machine in the body is a simple piece of equipment. In fact, many "experts" make you think that it is more complicated than it is, in order to sell you some products to speed up the process of weight loss. However, all you need to know is some math and some limits in (food, supplements, sports ... etc). Here is the "magic" formula for perpetual weight management.
Do you understand the equation? The calorie intake subtracting the burned calories stored in the sports effort is equal to (=) the net calories stored and consumed.
An accurate estimate of one pound of fat burn is to create a net deficit of 3,500 calories.
If you burn 500 calories a day more than you consume, you should lose one pound in about 7 days. Conversely, if you take 500 calories a day more than you burn, you will gain a pound in about 7 days.
So here we understand that the basic principle is to have an internal burning food machine for calories in a state of continuous operation at the highest degree.
What do you assume has the greatest impact on your metabolism (burning more and more calories)?
What about the level of activity, thyroid or even age? Maybe heredity, stress or food choices? The answer is none of the above. Although they all affect metabolism (calorie burning), the effect of none of them is comparable to the role of muscle tissue in burning calories. Simply, the more muscular tissue you have, the more calories you burn regardless of other factors. Lean muscle tissue burns calories throughout the day and every day.
Why does Metabolism slow down?
We have all heard that metabolism slows down due to age. Perhaps you have even used it as an excuse for weight gain in the past. However, research has discovered that metabolism DOES NOT slow down significantly due to aging but DOES slow down due to a reduction of muscle tissue.
The main reason for the low rate of calorie burning and muscle loss attributed:
1. Lack of physical exertion (sports resistance exercises, any exercises that you can do to strengthen your body).
2. The general decline in the level of activity with age.
3. Muscle disintegration it usually occurs with a severe diet and skipping meals.
What other factors additional to muscle tissue affect metabolism?
Stress, Meal timing & frequency, Movement level, Food choices, Hydration, Hormones.
The Solution to slow metabolism
1. All you need is an understanding of how your body works and get a real desire for change.
2. Convert your overall body composition from more fat and less lean muscle to more lean muscle and less fat.
We will determine the approach and the attack plans to follow at the next pages.
The three ideal basic rules to be followed
Continuous calorie burning depends on three important rules that work together in perfect balance. These three rules, if used correctly, lead to a lasting physical and mental transformation.
Many people try to improve their health and transform and slim their bodies using only one or two of these three factors, but it will take them more time to reach the goal they aspire than if they used the three rules if they get there at all.
The three ideal basic rules for continuous calorie burning are:
1. Think.
2. Eat.
3. Move.
Throughout this book, we will focus on becoming physically and mentally stronger by learning according to these three factors.
The three ideal rules for continuous calorie burning
Since all three rules that work together on mental and physical transformation will improve your metabolism to burn most calories as quickly as possible, too, you will transform your overall body composition from more fat and less wasted muscles to leaner and stronger muscles.
Whenever you decide to do so without one of the three rules, you actually choose to slow down your metabolism, and thus slow down your physical transformation, it is important to understand that the moment you share all three rules the metabolism (calorie burning) will begin immediate improvement.
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