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Loved it! 😍

Give me elves, dwarves and interracial love triangles and I'm all in! Like Lord of the rings but with more badass female characters!


A world without evil is all Queen Arlena has ever known. But when an ominous pentagram appears in the sky, her innocent days of blissful court life, playing politics with other races, and daydreaming of marrying the stoic elven prince Talen come to an abrupt end.

​When an eerily familiar phantasm warns her of the imminent collision of a parallel world ruled by an ancient sorceress, Arlena must confront the true nature of not only her own world, but her very existence.

Calling a company of legendary dwarven warriors forward into her time, Arlena and her allies must brave a world they are completely unprepared for in order to save their own. Will the naïve Queen and her companions be able to stop the invasion without being forever changed in the process?

Kathrine D. Graham takes you an a magical adventure that I haven't experienced since Tolkien. An adventure with elves, dwarves and fairies, oh my! The plot is as twisted as the title, and I was here for it. We follow Queen Arlena as she tries to uncover mysteries of the past. She is plagued with visions from her ancestor, who is begging her to finish what she could not and save their kingdom from a foe thought to have been gone long ago. Arlena must unite all of the races, and collaborate with them all to keep darkness away from their respective lands. While managing all of this, she tries to gage Talen's - an elf sworn to protect her- feelings for her... And her own feelings for someone else.

I liked this story and seeing it through Arlena's perspective. I also liked how her kingdom's monarchy was centered around women. It was refreshing not having the protagonist having to deal with sexism within her own kingdom. Although she was surrounded by male advisors, she didn't have to deal with ignorant comments or passive aggressive behavior from her father or other men. In Arlena's kingdom, it was widely known and excepted that women made great leaders and it showed.

Although it was annoying at times, I liked the pining between Arlena and Talen. Of all the interracial/species relationships, I find this one to have more realistic reactions. I liked that Arlena got frustrated with Talen when he gave her mixed signals. I felt her frustration whenever he opened up to her on moment and then shut down the next. I don't find many stories where characters in the same predicament - mainly women- express these emotions or even acknowledge them rather than batting their lashes at the shiny brooding guy.

Lastly, I liked the suspense. There were very few moments where I can say that I predicted something accurately. As an avid reader and general consumer of stories, I can honestly say that I can predict certain outcomes or other characters motives before others. This book threw me for a loop many times and I enjoyed every second of it.

If you like works by J.R.R. Tolkien and/or Sarah J. Maas, then you will like The Vow That Twisted Fate.

Reviewed by

I am an educator and aspiring writer. I love connecting my love of teaching and psychology with books. My interests include psychology and forensic science. My favorite genres are fantasy, romance, science fiction, and true crime.


A world without evil is all Queen Arlena has ever known. But when an ominous pentagram appears in the sky, her innocent days of blissful court life, playing politics with other races, and daydreaming of marrying the stoic elven prince Talen come to an abrupt end.

​When an eerily familiar phantasm warns her of the imminent collision of a parallel world ruled by an ancient sorceress, Arlena must confront the true nature of not only her own world, but her very existence.

Calling a company of legendary dwarven warriors forward into her time, Arlena and her allies must brave a world they are completely unprepared for in order to save their own. Will the naïve Queen and her companions be able to stop the invasion without being forever changed in the process?

The Two Queens' War

I never thought I'd watch all the good things in my world disappear right before my eyes in an instant.

Not just my loved ones, my Castle, or pretty gowns. Not just the woods, the flowers, and the waterfalls.


Even the stars in the sky are vanishing. The hair on my neck and arms stands on end. I can barely keep my feet; earthquake after earthquake drags on and on.

Rubble rains down from above, slamming into buildings and roads, craters jutting up around them. A horrifying crescendo of cars squealing and crashing into the rubble surrounds me.

People scramble from their cars, pouring out into the streets despite the danger falling from above, desperate to escape the city. Other cars plummet into cracks growing in the earth.

A cavernous divide overflowing with red-hot lava splits the land on the horizon. It cracks in a perfect circle, trapping my Castle on an island in a molten ocean. Skyscrapers topple. As the towers collapse in on themselves, the smoke and ash are suffocating, and the ground is white as though covered with snow.

"My Queen!" Vardish, my Druid advisor, comes running.

Blood sops through his shirt. He collapses, clutching an arrow protruding from his chest.

"Vardish!" I shout, catching him before he hits the floor.

Ripping open his shirt, I pry the arrow from his chest. My heart sinks into my stomach. A still-red metal brand leaves a charred, oozing rune written in Fairy-tongue on his chest.

Evil, it reads.

Ripping the sleeve off my dress, I press the cloth against the wound. My fists are shaking, and my jaw aches from clenching my teeth so hard.

Another poor soul branded simply for being different. For being unwanted. It's unforgivable!

"Maedra!" someone calls.

Seir, my Sworn, kneels at my side. His long, black hair flows down past his waist, loose despite being in battle. His armor is gone, his shirt torn. His own brand from several battles ago glows red.

"What happened?" I ask. "Where's your armor?"

Taking my hand in his long, slender fingers, Seir pulls me aside. Oriel, an imp medic, scurries over to care for Vardish.

"With a child who needed it," he says, tugging me to the observatory window.

"We're out of time," he whispers, glancing back at the others to make sure they don't hear. "Valera's troops are going to wipe us off the face of the earth. If you're going to end this, you have to do it now."

A bright-red ring edges into my eyesight. My head is foggy, floaty.

This? Not again!

I rub my eyes, trying to focus. Below me, people are fleeing for the divide, but there's no way across. My imps try to help them, but the Humans they would protect only greet them with fear. The White Queen Valera's armies loose volleys of brand-bearing arrows into the ranks of my imp allies, downing wave after wave of them.

"You know the world will never accept us as their rulers, Seir." I turn to him, my hearing fading in and out. "Even if we win, you and I will always lose. Our people will never be treated equally."

Taking my face in his hands, he leans toward me. His lips are soft on my forehead. He places my hand against the rune on his chest, then pulls me into a hug.

"If standing for you brands me eternally as evil," he whispers, "I will follow you into the darkness."

Chains wrap around my wrists, but when I blink, they vanish. I blink again, and Seir's face is gone, replaced by a pair of ravenous, red eyes in a face of horrendous black smoke.

"It's time," I hear myself say, though the words are not my own. "Bring me the White Queen."

Seir’s face reappears, and he gives me a brief kiss before bowing and hurrying away. Watching him go is like watching him walk into a dark, ever-stretching tunnel. I feel myself falling, and darkness overtakes me. Darkness with bright-red eyes.

Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fatealmost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
I know, I know, I'm almost a whole week late! But here it is, my official announcement that The Vow That Twisted Fate has made it into SPFBO9 (Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off 9)! To celebrate, TVTTF e-books are 99C, & it's also 'wide' (Apple Books, Kobo, etc.)! Check it out in English here: https://books2read.com/thevowthattwistedfate Or in Spanish here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CWXC8P9
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fatealmost 2 years ago
almost 2 years ago
On May 14th 2023, my debut epic fantasy novel is leaving its first ever run on Kindle Unlimited (with no guarantees it will be going that route again). If you've been waiting for a chance to read through it as a KU member, now's the time, and here it is: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SKX5XX7 Deciding to take TVTTF down from a 'wide' platform (where it was available on non-Zon sites like B&N and Google Play) for this three-month KU run was a very difficult decision, but it has taught me a lot about the platform, too. I'm looking forward to bringing The Vow That Twisted Fate back to some wide platforms, perhaps even with some Ingram distribution in the next round. But in the meantime, if you're looking for a Stand-Alone epic fantasy novel with a clean romantic side-plot and multi-dimension adventure, there's still 10 days to check it out on Kindle Unlimited!
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fateabout 2 years ago
about 2 years ago
The Vow That Twisted Fate has received a 5-star Readers' Favorite Review! Here is Readers' Favorite's official announcement: "Author's new book receives a warm literary welcome. Readers' Favorite announces the review of the Fiction - Fantasy - Epic book "The Vow That Twisted Fate" by Katherine D. Graham, currently available at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08SKX5XX7 . Readers' Favorite is one of the largest book review and award contest sites on the Internet. They have earned the respect of renowned publishers like Random House, Simon & Schuster, and Harper Collins, and have received the "Best Websites for Authors" and "Honoring Excellence" awards from the Association of Independent Authors. They are also fully accredited by the BBB (A+ rating), which is a rarity among Book Review and Book Award Contest companies. Reviewed By Cecelia Hopkins for Readers' Favorite The Vow That Twisted Fate by Katherine D. Graham sees Queen Arlena don the angel pendant that had belonged to her ancestor Queen Valera. Soon after this, the phantom of Valera passes her a dwarven dagger. Despite being urged against carrying the dagger, Valera invokes the oath associated with the dagger. This summons Maevric Stormbender and his band of select warriors to her side. Can they help Arlena defend her kingdom from an evil that arises after a gap of 500 years? What is the mysterious connection between Valera, Arlena, and the evil Maedra? The kingdom must be made safe for her sister Elzie. The Vow That Twisted Fate by Katherine D. Graham is a work of high fantasy. I thought Arlena was brave and gave a lot of herself for the peace and safety of her people. Her relationship with Talon was particularly complex and compelling. The torture scenes were genuinely distressing and I felt strong empathy toward Arlena. There was an overwhelming sense of grief and loss when she returned to find the kingdom had moved on without her. I liked the fact that her generous spirit and willingness to see the best in all creatures were pivotal to the plot. The perspectives of long-lived, short-lived, and mid-lived beings were beautifully delineated and contributed to world-building. I was surprised and intrigued to learn that long-lived races could be the most heedless instead of the wisest but found the logic convincing. The Vow That Twisted Fate by Katherine D. Graham provides a unique perspective and creates a dark and persuasive fairy story." You can learn more about Katherine D. Graham and "The Vow That Twisted Fate" at https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/the-vow-that-twisted-fate where you can read reviews and the author’s biography, as well as connect with the author directly or through their website and social media pages."
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fateover 2 years ago
over 2 years ago
How has it already been a year since The Vow That Twisted Fate came out?! Thank you SO much to everyone who has grabbed a copy of TVTTF, read, rated/reviewed, and shared my book with the world over the past year. This book started everything for me... It was the book that changed me from a 'writer' to an 'author'. To celebrate, I'm running a 1-year book birthday special here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08SKX5XX7 (Also, if you're a newsletter subscriber, I'll be sending out one behind-the-scenes cut scene about Talen and Elzie, as well as a never-before-seen scene about Geor, on July 11th.) Happy book birthday, TVTTF!
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fatealmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
About this time last year, I was flabbergasted to learn that The Vow That Twisted Fate had placed as one of five fantasy finalists in the 2021 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Even as I write this, I can hardly believe it has been a whole year... And next month TVTTF will celebrate its 1-year anniversary. In celebration of both anniversaries, I have dropped to price of TVTTF to only 99 cents today and tomorrow (June 4th and 5th). You can grab your 99-cent copy at B&N, Amazon, or Google Play here: https://buy.bookfunnel.com/2ho86308q0 Paperbacks are available on Amazon, and hardbacks are available on Barnes & Noble, as well. Thank you for celebrating with me!
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fatealmost 3 years ago
almost 3 years ago
Due to some major product changes coming over the next few months, I will be closing my website store for maintenance beginning tomorrow (March 15th). If you've had your eye on a signed #firstedition copy of The Vow That Twisted Fate, now is the time to grab it! When the store re-opens, I will not be putting the remaining First Edition Signed Paperbacks/Hardbacks of TVTTF back up. I'm down to my last straggling copies, and it's time to move on to the collector's edition. Candles made for TVTTF by the amazing Novel Candle Co are still available on the website store as well. While I am sad to see my last rounds of first editions leaving the nest, I am beyond thankful and thrilled that they have found new homes with amazing readers around the world! You can grab your copies here: https://katherinedgraham.shop/
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fateabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Despite Japanese being my second language, the amazing amount of my readers who speak Spanish swung my decision to have my books translated into Spanish first. Right now I have two books available in Spanish: -Fragmentos Crepusculares -El Juramento Que Altero El Destino I plan to have the others in the Splitting Worlds series translated into Spanish as soon as I am able. Thank you also to my amazing translator! This wouldn't be possible without you! Both of my Spanish books are available on Amazon only (and enrolled in Kindle Unlimited) here: https://www.amazon.com/Katherine-Graham/e/B017QQ4RKY?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_r00_abau_000000 , if you'd like to check them out!
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fateabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
I'm selling off the last of my first editions for The Vow That Twisted Fate in preparation for the collector's edition! Now thru February 1st: -99 Cent E-Books (which should update to the second edition file once I upload it) -Paperbacks $8.99 each (unsigned Amazon paperbacks AND signed ones on my website store) -$14.99 Signed Hardbacks (Only on my website store) -Audiobooks Are Also Available I have decided not to order any additional First Editions, so if you want a signed original, this is the time to grab it. If you click here, you can choose whichever purchase link you prefer: https://www.katherinedgraham.com/thevowthattwistedfate.html Stay tuned for the release date of the collector's edition; it is coming soon!
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fateabout 3 years ago
about 3 years ago
Look what I woke up to this morning!!! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for The Vow That Twisted Fate during The Writer Community's book club votes! While I'm super excited, my heart also goes out to my dear friends whose books did not win. Each of the nominated authors definitely deserve some love and reads (looking at you: C. H. Smith , Rosalyn Briar , Esme Carmichael, Author , and more!) Huge congrats to: - 'The Maven Knight' - 'All The Yellow Posies' - 'The Assassin' - 'New Identity' For also winning. Looking forward to 2022's reading! (Image is The Writer Community's)
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Writing/reading friends, can I have your vote? I am absolutely amazed and so humbled to share that The Vow That Twisted Fate is one of 20 amazing titles up for votes for The Writer Community's 2022 book club. Voting is free (no e-mail sign-up is required) here: https://www.thewritercommunity.com/book-club-2022-voting Five titles will be chosen, and there are so many great ones besides TVTTF to vote for as well, such as: - Amber Lambda's Halos - C. H. Smith's The Princess Knight - Esme Carmichael's The End of Everything - Luke Courtney's Argent Blade - Matthew S Romeo's The Maven Knight - Rosalyn Briar's A Sea of Pearls and Leaves And many more! In 100% honesty, even being listed among so many of the indie authors I admire so much is a dream come true for me, and I have voted for all of the above books. Thank you so much in advance for your support of my writing journey and the journey of the other amazing authors included in the votes! Good luck everyone! I can't wait to read your books next year.
Katherine D. Graham
Katherine D. Graham shared an update on The Vow That Twisted Fateover 3 years ago
over 3 years ago
Today is launch day (and release party day) for The Vow That Twisted Fate as an Audiobook! Talon David worked so hard bringing the world of TVTTF to life, and for that I am eternally grateful. I also want to give a huge thank-you to J Yetter, because without her videos on claiming ACX rights and how to use the ACX to produce an audiobook, this would not be happening right now. The link to the Audiobook is here: https://www.amazon.com/The-Vow-That-Twisted-Fate/dp/B09KMGJJ8D/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr= Talon and I will be doing a live release party on Instagram at 11:30am CST (12:30pm EST, 9:30am PST). Join us for some TVTTF talk, international prizes, and more!


About the author

I am a USA Today Bestselling author and developmental editor with 10+ years of experience. I am a huge fan of Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, J.R.R. Tolkien, Clare B. Dunkle, and Timothy Zahn. I also enjoy indie works by Nicole Wells, Andrei Saygo, and Luke Courtney. view profile

Published on July 09, 2021

100000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Epic Fantasy

Reviewed by