Have you ever wondered how cheesemaking started?
The actual origin of making cheese is shrouded in mystery. Some believe that the creation of cheese was an accident, while others believe that the first cheese makers crafted this food item on purpose.
The earliest records of cheesemaking started more than 7,000 years ago (National Historic Cheesemaking Center, n.d.). According to those records, the belief that cheese was discovered by accident has a higher likelihood as people used to store and transport milk in containers made of the stomachs of ruminants. They stored milk in these containers as they had an inherent supply of rennet, which caused the milk to curdle. However, there is no solid evidence that indicates the origin of cheese making.
There is also no conclusive evidence that indicates the first time cheese was made. The earliest indication of cheesemaking was found to be over 7,000 years old and from different parts of the world, such as Croatia and Poland.
The process of making cheese may have begun for the purpose of preserving dairy, and it was mainly done by pressing and salting curdled milk. Storing milk in the stomachs and other organs of animals caused it to curdle and harden to a good texture. This may have been the time when hard cheese was "discovered."
The origins of cheesemaking are also closely associated with the time when humans started domesticating milk-producing animals (Wikipedia Contributors, 2023). Considered an art form, there has been evidence of cheesemaking in ancient Greek mythology, the Roman Empire, and the murals found in Egyptian tombs (History of Cheese, 2023).
With such a mysterious history, we should just be glad that we can now find cheese in all kinds of food shops around the world. Cheese is a very popular food item as it is extremely versatile. Aside from enjoying different types of cheese on their own, you also have the option to add cheese to sweet and savory dishes.
If you're a fan of cheese, you should definitely try making your own at home. Cheesemaking isn't a difficult process, although the time needed to create different types of cheese varies. With the right tools and information, you can become a cheesemaking pro!
This is exactly what you will learn in this book. Before diving into the recipes, you will first learn about the process of cheesemaking and what you need to start producing your favorite type of cheese. By the end of this book, you will have all of the fundamental information you need to become a great cheesemaker.
Keep practicing, and you will soon become an expert. Then you can always enjoy freshly made cheese instead of buying processed products from supermarkets, which typically contain an array of unnecessary ingredients. So, if you're ready to embark on your cheesemaking process, turn the page, and let's begin!
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