
The Transformational Path: How Healing, Unlearning, and Tuning into Source Helped Me Manifest My Most Abundant Life

By Claudia Amendola Alzraa

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A great read for those seeking an uplifting memoir supported by spirituality


Claudia is living a true fairy tale life in the French Alps, but that wasn't always the case.

Determined to unravel the truth behind the power of manifestation, she healed trauma, cut abusive relationships, unlearned negative patterns, faced her sexual assailant in court, quit a secure career in Canada, and sold her home and belongings to follow a dream to Paris, France. There, she met her soulmate by absolute chance, and developed some pretty phenomenal clairaudient mediumship gifts along the way.

Part memoir, part spiritual handbook, follow along with her journey and learn the lessons needed that will help you manifest the abundant life that you deserve.

The well isn't limited, so come take a drink from this book and watch your life transform - but just be ready to put in the work!

The Transformational Path by Claudia Amendola Alzraa straddles two genres, memoir and self-help. Split across seven chapters and about 230 pages, it covers both the author's successes in overcoming personal challenges and aims to provide guidance to those experiencing similar turmoil in their lives. The book often draws on Alzraa's spiritual connections, using positive energies to overcome hardship and reach a place of Zen.

Through the course of the book Alzraa takes readers on her own personal journey, through the hardships and the good. A topic of particular interest is Alzraa's experiences in training to be a teacher in the Canadian education system (where the author resides). Fighting against scores of other highly qualified entrants, having secured a prized position in a Toronto school, Alzaraa is faced with societal pressures, expected to act, talk and present in a way becoming to the classroom. There are also a number of "unfulfilled relationships" adding to the author's pressure cooker of emotions during this turbulent time.

The writing is not all doom and gloom, and it is important to call out that for every negative in her life Alzraa is quick to highlight how she has been able to turn the situation around to her favour. It is in these moments of light that Alzraa often takes to bullet pointing to fulfil the self-help gathering of her readership base looking for quick takeaways.

Where the book stumbles is in its need to please two very different readerships. In reality The Transformational Path feels more like it is is eight parts memoir for every two parts self-help, a book that is heavily focused on Alzraa's life and less so on the support for others. This view could be further solidified by the presentation of the copy, which is more reminiscent of standardised prose as opposed to tabling, reflection points and supportive imagery usually witnessed in a traditional self-help guide.

The Transformational Path is a good recommendation for those seeking an uplifting memoir, backed by self-taught wisdom and spirituality.

AEB Reviews

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I've been writing since 2014, showcasing the best hidden gems in publishing on my website.


Claudia is living a true fairy tale life in the French Alps, but that wasn't always the case.

Determined to unravel the truth behind the power of manifestation, she healed trauma, cut abusive relationships, unlearned negative patterns, faced her sexual assailant in court, quit a secure career in Canada, and sold her home and belongings to follow a dream to Paris, France. There, she met her soulmate by absolute chance, and developed some pretty phenomenal clairaudient mediumship gifts along the way.

Part memoir, part spiritual handbook, follow along with her journey and learn the lessons needed that will help you manifest the abundant life that you deserve.

The well isn't limited, so come take a drink from this book and watch your life transform - but just be ready to put in the work!


As a young child, my parents always used to say to me, “You can have everything you want in life - so long as you truly believe in it and work hard for it.”

Most people never hear the end of that sentence. This begins a complete misunderstanding of the power of manifesting, right from childhood. 

We are usually told (and sold by spiritual gurus) that, “If you believe in something hard enough, it will come true.” We head forward into life wishing, hoping, praying, and dreaming that what we want will fall into our laps. We don't work for it - we expect it, and scorn the Universe when it doesn't happen for us.

But with all life - and all manifesting - the second half of my parents' advice is the most important. You need to work hard for what you want. 

Working hard looks different all the time, depending on what you are working towards. But I can tell you, without an ounce of hesitation, that everything I’ve wanted in life, I ended up getting. With work. And a lot of work, at that.

I am a psychic medium with clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. But aside from all that, I have the amazing ability to truly pull all that my life needs towards me. Do you notice how I said need and not want, this time around? 

That’s another issue that complicates the process of manifesting: not being able to define what you need separate from what you think the world wants of you. This creates a soul distortion that will have you wondering why you got what you hoped for but still continue searching for more.

None of this process is easy. In fact, it’s often paired with a scoop of suffering and a dash of struggle. But it’s worth it in the end because the joy that pairs with successful manifestation is immeasurable.

My spiritual companions often refer to me as a Super Manifestor. They say I'm the one “living the dream.” Because that’s what successful manifesting is: being able to turn those dreams into your reality and daily life. Those who are closest to me find that I seem to naturally draw in the good jujus in their life when they’re around me. They call me a lucky rabbit's foot. It’s merely because they are learning my manifestation behaviours through my character and demeanor. As such, they begin to emulate it themselves, and see the results of proper manifestation. Proper manifestation is the ability to identify what changes in your life are needed to bring you the most joy, and actually working towards implementing those changes into your reality.

I believe that absolutely everyone has the ability to become infinitely happy and manifest the truly wonderful life they envision for themselves. And I believe that everyone deserves the kind of abundance that fulfills all aspects of a person’s life. I am referring to emotional abundance, mental abundance, physical abundance, financial abundance, and, most importantly, spiritual abundance. 

But before that happens, there are many aspects to manifesting that need to be unlearned, many mindsets that need to be shifted, so much healing that needs to happen, and many definitions of abundance that need to be redefined. So, that’s the reason I wrote this book.

I hope that my experiences, my lessons, my downfalls, and my growth will be the inspiration for others to also grab hold of their life and turn it into a fairy tale. I want people to learn, through my magnetism, how to also become Super Manifestors, and to manifest the life they deserve: the life that the Universe truly wants them to live. 

And the key to all this is to transform your life, to heal yourself completely, and to step into action and grab the life you want by the horns.

A few notes about the content in this book:

First and foremost, I am a spiritual being and not a religious one. I learn from and value many religions, but my practice is suited to the relationship I have formed with what is greater than me. All my spiritual practice is Light and Love energy centered. 

That being said, I am not a, "just think positive thoughts" practitioner. I merely seek to work with energies that vibrate higher than I do. My life goal is to rise and I cannot do that if I'm working with dark, earth-bound, or ego-driven energies - I don’t commune with ghosts, I don’t do spellwork, and I don’t ask for the help of deities that hurt or curse others. I work with angels, archangels, Ascended Masters, and God.

You may find that I use the word God, Source, or the word Universe within this book. I use them interchangeably and I want you to mentally adjust what you read to suit your comfort level, as well. When I say God, Source, or Universe, I am referring to the overarching energy of Love that brings order to the chaos. 

I am referring to that Zen state. I am referring to the Enlightenment that the Buddhists speak of. I am referring to Christ Consciousness. I am referring to YWHA - the name the Jewish people gave to their Lord. I am referring to the Divine Source of All. I am referring to something that vibrates higher than everything else. 

This is the energy we should all strive to align to in order to find that abundance we deserve. Aligning to that energy means that everything we are are doing and saying comes from a place of Love. We are living Love and performing all actions selflessly and with the betterment of the planet in mind. 

The energy of Love is within all of us and flows through all of us. It is what the Christians refer to as, "Being made in the image of God." You cannot escape it; you are One with it. I'm here to help you uncap that well because it springs eternal in everyone. And it is evidence of how powerful, important, and transcendent you truly are. 

Secondly, you may see me refer to my guides or angels and archangels in this text. As I said, I only converse with and work with Beings of Light - those which vibrate on the energy of Love as well. Working with Higher Beings is not necessary to successfully manifesting the life you deserve. You should use my experiences and advice as you see fit, and mold what I say and suggest to suit your spiritual comfort level. Work with who you are comfortable with, but know that they are available to you if you need them. 

My only advice is to keep it Light(-centered)! Keeping it with the angels, archangels, Ascended Masters, and saints is where you want to be. Anything else will only provide you short-term joy and long-term ego issues. You want to get to that high-rising spot (you deserve it!) so seek out a bond with Beings already at that energetic level. The easiest way to ensure you’re communing with “the right dudes” is by monitoring how your ego reacts to this connection; if you feel all wise and powerful, it’s time to re-evaluate your team.

Finally, nothing within my spiritual practice (or in this book) has a set it and forget it approach. If you're not ready to put in the work, if you're not prepared to heal, if you’re not willing to unlearn, if you're not going to make the tough decisions and take the risks, this book isn't for you. The path to abundance, the journey to joy, is not an easy one. Sometimes it really sucks! But as with all ebbs and flows in life, it ends up being so worth it. 

Remember: I am by no means an authority figure on how the Universe wants or expects things. I am a messenger. And like with all messengers, feel free to approach my words with discernment. Choose what resonates best with you and leave what doesn't. A message is not wrong just because it doesn't all jive with you. Truth can be hidden in the strangest places, after all.

But, be honest with yourself. If something really triggers you or rubs you the wrong way, more often than not there is a mirror being held up to you and some healing that needs to happen. I often found, in my youth, that the comments and ideas that made me the angriest were the ones I was not ready to hear - but certainly needed to.

Are you ready to change your life? Abundance is your birthright, so let’s walk the path of transformation - together.

Hey Folks, please make sure to UPVOTE my newest launched book! Thank you so much :)
I am absolutely blown away that my book, The Transformational Path, is #19 under my primary category - Spiritual books - under Hot New Releases on Canada's Amazon. I made it to the first page of Amazon's Bestseller list. Me. Little ol' me. Who dreamed of being a writer all her life. You can pre-order a paperback cop of my book on Amazon, now. And thank you...


Claudia Amendola Alzraa@kameronbrook Big fan of your reviews and wondering if mine might be up your spiritual alley.
almost 2 years ago
Kameron Brook@camendolaalzraa I’m glad you enjoy them. I’m maxed out in jobs I can accept for Reedsy at this time.
almost 2 years ago
Kwami NyamidieThank you for this beautiful and truthful book. I am curious. How did you know about "juju" which you mentioned in your introduction?
almost 2 years ago
Claudia Amendola Alzraa@kwaminyamidie You just "feel" it! Everyone has a gift, everyone has some insight into the universe, often called intuition. You just have to trust it - and trust God/Source/The Universe! Can you spare an upvote for my book, please? I'd very much appreciate it!
almost 2 years ago
Claudia Amendola Alzraa@aeb_reviews -- maybe this book of mine will also interest you? Thanks again for your review on Intuitive Tarot 101!
almost 2 years ago
Alice BennettHi @camendolaalzraa 👋 I'm fully booked for May with pre-arranged book reviewing commitments (both on and off Reedsy), but if you were able to move the launch date to mid June then it's something I could consider picking up. Thanks for thinking of me! Alice
almost 2 years ago
Claudia Amendola AlzraaThanks for your review Alice, and I'm sorry that you found it was "eight parts memoir for every two parts self-help." -- The way I always approach self-help for my clients is that I'm not here to list it out for you; I'm here to give you real-life counsel, and how you approach it is individual for you and your needs. The steps look different for everyone, so I didn't think it would be right to list how to overcome each challenge. Instead, I hoped my revelations would help people reflect on how they may see themselves in my story and could also help reveal to them how *they* need to traverse through that struggle. It doesn't sound like it was a winner for you, but I appreciate you, your time, and the review! Also, I don't reside in Canada anymore! I haven't for five years hehe -- and it's really not heavily focused on my teaching career, just on the general lack of fulfillment in my life, with teaching being one of them. My main healing journey started with acknowledging my sexual assault, which was really the foundation for the rest of my unhappiness and trauma.
almost 2 years ago
Kwami NyamidieThank you for this insightful review. I am curious about how @camendolaalzraa did it. What does it take for you to review my books?
almost 2 years ago
About the author

A Canadian in France, a bibliophile, logophile, and Francophile. She lives driven by joy and filling her life with passion. When she’s not reading, creative journaling, or writing, she’s lending her clairaudient mediumship abilities to others through her spiritual business Seeking Celestial Grace© view profile

Published on June 13, 2023

Published by The Good House Inc.

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