Are dinosaurs real?” My twenty-eight-year-old son appeared
in the room where I was folding laundry. He drew in a labored
breath. It seemed as though he might spontaneously combust
right there in front of me, so his tight exhale came as a
relief for both of us.
“Hey, kiddo, what a nice surprise. What’s up?” His visit
was unexpected, as it was only mid-day and he’d not been
home much since the move to his new apartment in Burbank
the previous month. Something felt amiss. His lanky frame
stooped forward; his hands jammed into his pockets.
“The dinosaurs . . . I mean, I’m not sure,” he whispered,
his eyes darted right to see if anyone else was in the room.
Instinct slowed me. “Sure, honey, they’re . . . they were
very real.” He didn’t speak then, so I continued. “Right? I
mean you’ve seen so many cartoons and Jurassic Park type
movies; it’s probably easy to forget that you learned about
dinosaurs in school.” I watched him draw in another breath
while nodding his head. He turned away from me and clicked
on the television. The moment passed quickly.
I have no recollection of how I processed that. I guess
I didn’t. A door had slammed shut in my head, and I simply
blocked the dark thing that had announced its presence
as a mere flicker of fear on my son’s face. Those early years
were filled with bits and pieces of abstract information that
would come and go. It was a clue that tweaked my logic
and yet . . . I had to let it go.
Looking back, twelve years is a long road—an information
overload on a journey both terrifying and bewildering, but
as in any crisis, life comes at you one day at a time so as not
to break you all at once. It took years for Jake to be properly
diagnosed and medicated. Schizophrenia is a brain disease.
It has taken so much from all of us, and recently it occurred to
me that writing a book might be the answer. He’d always had
a way with words and of uniquely expressing his ideas . . . but
could he stay focused on a project these days, long enough
to see it through? And could dredging up the past open the
Pandora’s box of paranoia that dogs Jake every moment of
the day and night? This book was his idea, the concept of
schizophrenia from a family perspective, a journal moving
back and forth between mother and son. He felt it should be
written in brief chapters so as not to overwhelm a reader who
has symptoms like his. This would be a comfort food for those
lonely moments when you feel different from everyone else
on the planet.
The writing process was cathartic for Jake, as well as
disruptive, in that reliving his experiences did indeed kick off
some pretty substantial waves of depression and paranoia.
Nevertheless, he persevered, saying that he wanted and
needed to keep writing to get his story out there. It is this bravery
I am in awe of every day.
During the time it took to finish this book, all of us have
gone through a great deal: political unrest, a worldwide pandemic,
and environmental chaos. To the average person, we
are shaken . . . but for those with mental illness, it is a minefield
of triggers to the dark side. With so much yet unanswered in
the quest to find peace in a brain that is at war within itself,
we journey on together ever seeking the path that will bring
mental illness out of the dark ages and into the light. Oh,
we’re waking up, and it’s in vogue to make statements on
social media declaring allegiance, but we’re searching with
a flashlight. If you or a loved one is experiencing this battle,
then you are well aware what we are up against, and it is a
lonely and scary war indeed. This book is for Jake and for you.
In the Beginning
Everything that occurred prior to the onset of schizophrenia
was perfect. A dream. A vanilla sky of creation. Since I was
nine years old and on into my twenties, before there were
YouTube careers and Instagram advertising partners, I was
churning out videos by the hundreds in hopes of getting a
laugh from my parents, sisters, or friends.
I had a solid troupe of actors at my disposal. Mainly my
family. My youngest sister, Molly, was the Meryl Streep of the
bunch. She was passionate, devoted, and able to take direction
like nobody’s business. Today, she’s a successful television
actress. My sister Becky took a little more arm twisting to be
in a video, but she was always hilarious. These days she’s a
television producer.
One of the best McCook movies was Grandma Baba.
Molly wore an old man mask with a wig and a prim dress and
wreaked havoc on her grandkid’s social life with constant flatulence
and raiding of the family fridge. One cannot forget the
unsettling trilogy I made with my best buddy “Stomachache”
where two friends binge eat and then vomit on screen for an
uncomfortable amount of time.
These were the bookmarks of my emotional life. If I was
frustrated with my social life, I would make a movie about
twins that worked out their relationship issues on a split screen.
If I needed to exorcise my demons, I would make a music
video and spastically dance or wildly lip sync to some current
pop song.
It was what I needed. It was my drug of choice, and I
couldn’t stop. I was hooked. Maybe it was being able to control
people. All of it. My true friends were a video camera, a
computer, and a jumble of studio lights. It was insulation that
protected me from the outside world—the distraction from an
adult life that would one day steal my joy, my independence,
and my dreams of a world where anything was possible.