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Must read 🏆

This is one of those once in a lifetime books that will hit you & leave you reeling. Life. Friendship. Mental health. This book has it all.


In his endearing coming-of-age book, B.A. Bellec writes about a group of weirdos that find and save each other from the dark depths of their minds. Someone’s Story is literally Someone’s story, as in a first-person narrative of a teenager that calls himself Someone. As he struggles to find a new footing in a new space, we encounter the many ups and downs of modern teenage life, the difficulties that adjusting to adult feelings bring, and a few tear-jerking surprises along the way.

This book is...well different. When I started reading this I honestly thought this book was the most down to earth and 'honest' book about mental health from a teenage perspective. Having finished it, honestly, I am left reeling and struggling to find the right way to describe the book. B.A. Bellec has truly created a masterpiece that deserves worldwide recognition, awards and so much more. Someone's Story focuses on 'Someone' and his struggle with anxiety. Written in a first-person narrative, we never learn 'Someone's' name as he chronicles his life from his inner thoughts and the mundane to his bunch of misfit friends with a heavy dose of stereotypical teenage drama.

Someone's Story is an emotional piece that is littered with pop culture references; loss and grieving; friendship and the struggles they can bring; mental health and its ups and downs and so much more...there is so much packed within just one book yet at the same time feels not enough. 

It is raw and emotional, yet sensitive and bittersweet. This book is sure to take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. For a story that started at a slow 'jogging pace' if you will, it almost lulls you into a false sense of security just so it can hit you with a sense of urgency. A faster pace. And finally a metric-tonne of emotions.

At its core, B.A. Bellec has managed to write about some very serious topics which most of the world still believes is taboo, yet every so often, the author manages to lighten the mood and balance the book with funnier moments and some interesting advice on life. The almost journal-like approach and tone towards parts of 'Someone's' teenage life never becomes melodramatic or fake. Instead, it is raw and honest. 

I honestly and truly adored this book. I have not felt this way after reading a book for a long time and it is hard to explain. Trust me when I say that this is a MUST READ book. Treasure the slower jogging pace and once that midway drama kicks in, prepare for the marathon and drink in every word. I believe that everyone young or old should pick up a copy, find somewhere comfortable and just dig in...

Reviewed by

I'm Beckie, an avid reader, and a creative person. I own my own book business creating sketchbooks and journals by hand - but I love reading too! I wasn't aware of my dyslexia until I was 19 but it has never stopped me from devouring every book I've managed to get my hands on!


In his endearing coming-of-age book, B.A. Bellec writes about a group of weirdos that find and save each other from the dark depths of their minds. Someone’s Story is literally Someone’s story, as in a first-person narrative of a teenager that calls himself Someone. As he struggles to find a new footing in a new space, we encounter the many ups and downs of modern teenage life, the difficulties that adjusting to adult feelings bring, and a few tear-jerking surprises along the way.


WHITE snow, two feet deep, as far as the eye can see. Cutting right through the middle is a small, cleared path. It’s straight as an arrow into the horizon. Along the path are little orange flags every five hundred metres or so. You can only see a few of them as they are quite small.

Off in the distance, a black dot. A big exhale. The hot air billows out against the blue, icy winter sky. Steam follows a man like a vapour trail. The snow is crunching under the force of his electric yellow shoes, and the pace is like a metronome, always on point and never missing a beat.











The man is slender, but you can barely tell under what looks like three layers of clothes and a balaclava. All black except for the electric yellow gloves and armband, to match the shoes, of course. His facial hair is slightly overgrown. Not a beard but rather a long stubble. Adorning his chest is a giant eighty-eight on a square that looks pinned on.

Strangely, his eyes shut for two or three steps at a time, then open slowly. His feet are moving furiously, but he is completely relaxed, almost meditative. The black dot on the horizon is now more visible. It’s another runner, and the gap shrinks with every step.

With a flurry of energy, the pace quickens and his stride lengthens. The black dot is now right in front of him. A few quick jump steps and it is as if the other runner was frozen in place by the frigid winter air.

A glance back reveals someone fading and a vast white plain of snow. Nothing else. No other black dots. Alone again, just the way he likes it. His pace slows back to his metronome, and his mind fades away to another place.











B.A. Bellec
B.A. Bellec shared an update on Someone's Storyover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
My book is free while I am on a digital tour! Check out my blog post explainging more! https://babellec.com/2020/07/23/bonus-blog-what-is-smashwords/
B.A. Bellec
B.A. Bellec shared an update on Someone's Storyover 4 years ago
over 4 years ago
Come check out YouTube where all my original music inspired by Someone's Story is waiting for you! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGTeYZEBPBWScWXkqBnZrQQ


About the author

B.A. Bellec is an author and music producer. His debut novel went on to win multiple awards on the indie scene. His second novel is releasing shortly and is a total change in genre. Check out his YouTube channel for the original music inspired by his books! view profile

Published on April 12, 2020

Published by

60000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Coming of Age

Reviewed by