If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot
easier… as long as I’m the dictator. Hehehe.”
— George W. Bush, Painter
It is no secret that much of humanity is dumb. Look at the last
few years; people are really, really dumb. If you do not believe that
you may want to stop here, assuming you were able to read this
far. If not, don’t worry, there are pictures for you to look at. A
hundred thousand years of evolution isn’t much time to improve
on what is essentially still a reptilian chunk of neurons in the
grand scheme of things. Humans have tamed re, pushed out
into space, and created the chalupa, but these are mere highlights
in a history of a species that has drunkenly stumbled through its
short time in existence.
Elected government has been a mostly ineective method of
managing humanity – the smart, the mediocre, and the tragically
ignorant. Some versions of governance have worked in the past,
and some even work now. In recent times, there has been a
dramatic shift toward the need for total control over an increasingly
misinformed population.
So there has been a shift toward authoritarianism, or dictatorship.
According to Stalin’s Dictionary, authoritarianism is dened
as “A totally legitimate governing mechanism that never does any
harm to anyone.” According to more legitimate sources, it is
dened simply as blind submission to a leader (or group of leaders)
who will determine every aspect of their subjects’ lives.
Whether it is about what you are allowed to say, what you are
allowed to own, who you should hate, or who you should love
(answer: it’s the dear leader), authoritarianism takes the burden of
making choices away from the people. It promotes a simple life,
one free of the complexities of the modern world.
Authoritarianism goes by many names: theocracy, dictatorship,
military junta, homeowner’s association (HOA), shogunate,
caudillo, autocracy, despotism, PTA president, hedge fund CEO,
tsarism, and Ellen DeGeneres. Each has unique characteristics
that this book will explore, but all have one key similarity: absolute
This book is meant to serve as an easy-to-follow guide for
aspiring dictators. As the collaborative governments of the world
fall or fail outright, there is a need across the geopolitical landscape
for iron-sted overlords to keep the populace in line and
placated. The global population continues to grow exponentially,
but there is a clear lack of the amoral individuals required to
handle it and keep it under control. Some progress has been made
in the past couple of decades, but the future is calling for more
control – and less control (depending on where your boot heel
However, this book isn’t just a half-assed history lesson.
Don’t worry, it will at least be half-assed, though. This book is for
those who seek power, and who seek to oppress those who
deserve it as well as those who don’t deserve it. It is for those
people who believe they know what is right for the rest of humanity,
who need a hobby, who like uniformity, and who dream of
unprincipled glory. In short, readers, this is for you. But who
are you?
Career Politicians
You are already in “the game” so you have a leg up in many of the
areas required for grabbing hold of absolute power. Being in the
system means you have additional avenues through which to
streamline your path toward absolute power. Beware though;
others are sure to see through your schemes as you move up the
career politician ladder.
This guide will help you with the internal tactics to curry
favor with the higher-ups, gain sycophants to carry you forward
to glory, stomp out competitors, and backstab colleagues on your
way to the top. In this game, party aliation doesn’t matter,
whether it is Democrat, Republican, green, selsh libertarian, or
whatever those odd European ones are. All that matters is power.
Why not build upon your tiny despotic kingdom? You already
have a strong grip on the authoritarian strength that comes with
being a parent. When kids ask why they have to eat vegetables,
dress up for church, or see Grandma, all you have to say is
“because I said so.” That is a dictator’s ultimate dream, and you
are already living it. In addition, small children act similarly to the
moronic, drunken citizens in your country. They will hang onto
every word you say, and they will respond well to fear or punishment.
You cannot send your children to the labor camps, but you
can tell them you can. This guide can help you get to that reality.
It can be scary becoming the parent of tens of millions of people,
but at least child services won’t be knocking on your door. This is
mostly because you can disband the whole organization. Isn’t
parenting fun? Authoritarian parenting is even more fun.
Corporal punishment is back!
Perhaps you justfinished your Political Philosophy 101 class,
maybe you have been spending more nights at your local commuinity board meetings, or maybe you have a bunch of books on
socialism that you’ve “read.” You might even be the real deal; the
key is that you have a “vision.” And that vision can be corrupted
or be used to justify anything you ever want to do. You have probably
written down more than a few ideas on how a utopian
government should be run – borrowing heavily from Plato and
Aristotle no doubt, you fraud. Fraud is good though, so lean into
that throughout your campaign toward absolute power.
Your ideas go beyond a philosophical debate at the local
watering hole after a few whiskeys with your friends. The
thought of being a benevolent dictator doesn’t sound so farfetched
then. Well, this book will help you garner the respect,
gain the support, and get your “original” thoughts onto a serviceable
platform. From there, well, the sky is the limit. Out of Plato’s
Cave and into the streets – this book will get you there and then
you can leave that pesky philosophy behind.
Retirees Looking for a New Hobby
For those of you lucky enough to have the nances to retire, good
for you. You do not need to take a part-time greeting job at
Walmart or slave in the salt mines of the upcoming hellscape
future. This book will help you nd a great way to pass the time
in your twilight years.
No need to spend your pension money on stamp collecting
or model ship kits. Why not utilize those hard-earned dollars on
methods to further restrict those who have come and will come
after you. It is not like the future generations will ever see any of
those dollars, given their retirement plan is to die in the climate
wars. Destroying the future of the youth doesn’t have to stop
when you retire. It just gets better with age.
Military Brass
Whether you have admirably served your country on the eld of
battle, or you simply wash down statues serving in the National
Guard, you have an easy route into leading a military junta. While
these often work best outside of the industrialized world, the
military boasts a ne reputation for the strength, manpower, and
discipline needed to dismantle the civilian aspects of any
This book will help you with the tactics needed to quickly
move up the hierarchy of the defense structure of any country.
You can reach a point where you can intimidate the civilian population
and parts of government. Or you can convince them to
support your cause. Start practicing your strongman hand
gestures and designing pointless medals to cover your chest.
Every teacher who is reading this is probably nodding their head
in agreement. Especially those that teach elementary school. As
an elementary school teacher, you have to deal with naïve, basically
intoxicated people running around like maniacs and
shooting o their mouths all day. A strong arm and discipline are
essential for controlling this tiny population. You have the quiet,
calm group. You have the loud, obnoxious group. And you have
the group that ts somewhere in the middle. You need to cater to
all of them while ensuring you maintain a high level of order. The
methods you use to punish these children and keep them in line
will translate well into reigning over a larger, older population,
albeit one that often maintains the same level of self-awareness
and intelligence as toddlers.
Children of All Ages
Lastly, who can forget about the children? They truly are our
future, so you must stop them now before they get too powerful.
However, this book doesn’t discriminate, it just teaches discrimination.
In case this author lives long enough, please remember
how he helped you, future oppressor.
In the face of every smiling child, in every twinkle of their eye,
there is a mass murdering egomaniac waiting to come out. This
book will encourage the next generation of oppressors to ourish
through lessons on indoctrination, judging others for petty
reasons, psychological bullying, nding a passion and having it
taken away, triggering a lifelong hatred of the world and a desire
to exact revenge, and many other easy-to-do activities children
can use to reach their potential while denying others theirs.
Overview of This Guide
This guide is divided into three main sections. The first section
provides a solemn overview of democracy. Just kidding; it’s actually
a celebration of the death of democracy. And a primer of
authoritarianism and its roots. It provides context for the
retreating trend of democracy and shows how authoritarianism is
already beginning to ll the vacuum left behind. Finally, it
discusses what it means to be a dictator, to help the reader understand
the mindset of the maniacal.
The second section dives into the methods, activities, and
tactics of becoming a dictator. This includes developing a platform
(a shallow one to be sure), practicing the modus operandi of
an authoritarian, and choosing what to wear as you build your
dictatorial wardrobe. We will look at how to achieve, or steal
power through such fun activities as demagoguery, intimidation,
bribery, projection, and fraud.
The final section celebrates your victory as supreme leader. It
aims to help you dene the rst months and years of your reign of
terror. Victory is only the beginning, as this section helps you
ensure your reign is everlasting, with tips on avoiding coups,
quashing uprisings, and faking the democratic process to placate
the masses. The appendix includes a helpful barometer for
stacking up your achievements against those authoritarian
pioneers who came before you.
This book is for all those who dare to dream of power,
oppression, and unbridled strength. It is for those who seek to
better themselves and reach their career aspirations at the expense
of everyone else. Welcome, future despot, and good luck on your
journey to total domination.