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secrets to body positivity

By Jessica Franks

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Such a wholesome book on viewing your body under a different kind of light – the kind that makes you see just how beautifully you sparkle!


The book explores the power of body positivity.

secrets to body positivity is a short book that readers will find easy to pick up and go through anywhere at any time, be it on a plane, whilst waiting for an appointment, or while doing something else entirely.

The book focus on body image and how one can tackle one of the most prominent psychological issues of our media (and perfection) obsessed society, but the methods and tips within can be applied to different areas of life that many people struggle with.

The book is written by a professional who tries to help people understand their body image as understanding why we think a certain way is the first – and most crucial – step to actually changing it.

Rather than focusing on what we don’t like in our bodies and what we want to change and viewing things with a negative feel, the author encourages readers to concentrate on the positive and what they can actively do and to question why they want to change to begin with.

The link between our thoughts and behaviors and how we end up feeling is made clear as it is those thoughts and behaviors that cause us to feel the way we do.

The book includes personal experiences, statistics, realistic advice, techniques, methods, and steps that can be followed by anyone (even if it takes time to get used to them).

The book could have used a bit more editing, but other than that it felt pretty good to read. I recommend this book to all those who want to understand their body image better and how to change it in a healthy manner.

This whole book feels like a quick therapy session that could encourage you to change your whole way of life.

Reviewed by

Writer, Ghostwriter, Editor, Beta Reader, Reviewer, Writing Coach/Consultant Hire me: Contact me: My reviews are my personal, professional opinion based on my experience in the field. ❀️


The book explores the power of body positivity.


You have arrived at the first step toward developing a positive body image. This is an

outstanding book meant to equip you with the necessary skills, information, and ability

to think critically. The way individuals perceive themselves is referred to as their body

image. This varies from having an extremely positive body image in which an individual

values their body to having a negative body image in which an individual despises their

physical appearance. We are fully cognizant that individuals' perceptions of themselves

are influenced by their body image, as our bodies are such an integral aspect of who we


Some people may adopt harmful eating and physical activity patterns and dissatisfaction

with one's body develops into not accepting one's entire being.

As someone who studied psychology in college, I've have learned that women, men, and

children struggling with body image concerns also struggle with anxieties. These issues

have prompted a great number of people to experience intense concern and grief, in

addition to binge eating, extreme diets and exercises that are contributing to the

deterioration of the issue.

What I've found to be valuable in my personal experience is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral

Therapy), which is a type of therapy in which the patient's thoughts and behaviors are

changed. You'll see instances throughout the book from people who have battled, but won,

the struggle against self-abhorrence.

If you're reading this book in the aim of improving your life, you are not alone. According

to a study of Western society, 60% of women and 30%-40% of males feel unsatisfied with

some aspect of their body.

Body image is a major worry for people aged 15 to 30, and it is regarded as more important

than family, friends, and school. Most of women concerns are centered on their weight

and shape. The hips, stomach, buttocks, face, and thighs are often the most affected areas.

Men frequently express concern about muscularity, their upper body, their overall body

fat, and a desire to lose weight. On the other hand, body image encompasses more than

appearance. It is not just about weight and size; it's also about the physical components

of our bodies and our general appearance. For instance, the color of our eyes, hair, nails,

and skin.

As a result, you may acquire a strong hatred for certain body areas. For women, this refers

to how curvy their body is and for men, it refers to their physical strength and body build.

A great dislike for a particular area of the body or our appearance can lead some people

to obsess over the body part to the point of being dominated by thoughts of its frequently

societal perceived (as opposed to objectively true) imperfection.

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1 Comment

Jessica Franks – Thanks for the review.
almost 3 years ago
About the author

A scientist, mom, and wife who studied psychology in college and has a Masters in Pharmaceutical Science. Until my 30s, I had struggled with my body image and now that I've overcome it, I want to share my tips with others. I also enjoy reading, discovering, and reviewing books. view profile

Published on April 03, 2022

9000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Self-Help & Self-Improvement

Reviewed by