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Secrets of Body Positivity (book draft)

By Jessica Franks

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This book packs a punch on how to look at your body in a positive light and live your best life.


This is the draft of a Short book about finding out the secrets to being body positive thereby empowering yourself to achieve greater things

I am still working on the conclusion and Author information as I'd like for it to appear in the book.

Many people grow up with hangups about their bodies. We are our own worst critics when it comes to our body parts—for instance, your nose, your ample curves, lack of height or muscles. However, most of us outgrow these perceived flaws or, with time, accept them as what makes us unique. Yet, that doesn’t mean we don’t struggle with our body image from time to time, or we’ve forgotten being teased or bullied about our looks.

Here’s a question: does your body image interfere with the quality of your life? If so, then this book will help change the way you look at yourself.

There is no better way to learn than from an expert, and this short book offers practical tips and strategies from a scientist who has “walked the talk”. She has learned how to cultivate a positive body image. You’ll learn how to change the way you think and feel about your body to live a more positive life.

Most of the information in these short eight chapters is not new, but is compiled in a handy guide that’s easy to read. It explains what body image is, how to set smart goals, and looks at factors contributing to developing a negative body image. Then, the author sets out the benefits of a positive role model, and offers strategies on how to build your self-esteem, and tips for self-care and self-love.

What I love about this book is the emphasis on changing your thoughts. I can relate to the struggle to change negative thoughts and feelings, and appreciate the long-term goal of the practical steps. I also like the soothing statements such as “I’ll be alright” or “I can do this”. The strategies offered are do-able, but you’ll get the most out of them by repetition. There’s no quick fix to change a lifetime of self-defeating behavior.

I would’ve liked more examples of self-defeating statements or behavior for readers to recognize and relate to. The book ends without a conclusion, and can benefit from a thorough edit. But I'm confident these issues will be resolved in the final copy.

Finally, this is a concise self-help book that touches on an important topic. You can dip into it at your own convenience. It is highly recommended, but will be of the most benefit for those willing to put the tips into practice.

Reviewed by
Vida Li Sik


This is the draft of a Short book about finding out the secrets to being body positive thereby empowering yourself to achieve greater things

I am still working on the conclusion and Author information as I'd like for it to appear in the book.


You have arrived at the first step toward developing a positive body image. This is an outstanding book meant to equip you with the necessary skills, information, and ability to think critically. The way individuals perceive themselves is referred to as their body image. This varies from having an extremely positive body image in which an individual values their body to having a negative body image in which an individual despises their physical appearance. We are fully cognizant that individuals' perceptions of themselves are influenced by their body image, as our bodies are such an integral aspect of who we are.

Some people may adopt harmful eating and physical activity patterns and dissatisfaction with one's body develops into not accepting one's entire being.

As someone who studied psychology in college, I've have learned that women, men, and children struggling with body image concerns also struggle with anxieties. These issues have prompted a great number of people to experience intense concern and grief, in addition to binge eating, extreme diets and exercises that are contributing to the deterioration of the issue.

What I've found to be valuable in my personal experience is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), which is a type of therapy in which the patient's thoughts and behaviors are changed. You'll see instances throughout the book from people who have battled, but won, the struggle against self-abhorrence.

If you're reading this book in the aim of improving your life, you are not alone. According to a study of Western society, 60% of women and 30%-40% of males feel unsatisfied with some aspect of their body.

Body image is a major worry for people aged 15 to 30, and it is regarded as more important than family, friends, and school. Most of women concerns are centered on their weight and shape. The hips, stomach, buttocks, face, and thighs are often the most affected areas.

Men frequently express concern about muscularity, their upper body, their overall body fat, and a desire to lose weight. On the other hand, body image encompasses more than appearance. It is not just about weight and size; it's also about the physical components of our bodies and our general appearance. For instance, the color of our eyes, hair, nails, and skin.

As a result, you may acquire a strong hatred for certain body areas. For women, this refers to how curvy their body is and for men, it refers to their physical strength and body build.

A great dislike for a particular area of the body or our appearance can lead some people to obsess over the body part to the point of being dominated by thoughts of its frequently societal perceived (as opposed to objectively true) imperfection.

This can be extremely distressing and drive the individual to spend considerable time in front of the mirror or attempting to alter the perceived flaw, frequently at the expense of their mental health. Extreme self-consciousness about one's looks is a symptom of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). A psychological disorder in which a person's appearance consumes them.

I have encountered individuals that are inconvenienced by the form of their nostrils or the proximity and shape of their noses. They spend countless hours double- and triple-checking their eyes, to the point that they waste time inspecting these locations for potential issues.

Negative feelings and thoughts about our bodies can be quite detrimental to our lives, which can influence things like our health, self-esteem, anxiety levels, and dietary habits, our capacity for social interaction, our mood, and our work relationships and habits.

This book is intended to be beneficial to people of all ages who wish to know about body positivity.

Utilize this book to guarantee that you first have a positive body image and then engage in behaviors that communicate this to others, such as children who are constantly monitoring adult behavior. Then on to the chapter on how to assist others in developing a positive body image.

It can be difficult to enjoy life if you have a bad body image. The good news is that we can alter our behavior and how we feel about our bodies, which results in a more optimistic outlook and therefore a fulfilling life.

You have already taken the first step in this direction. Improving your body image necessitates education on the origins of your beliefs as well as an adjustment in how you think about and interact with your body. How many of us unfairly punish our bodies and ourselves by indulging in extremely hard exercise when our bodies need a break, starving ourselves to reduce weight, or missing social activities because we detest the way our bodies look? Body image is just one aspect of who you are, and this book will help you get the most out of it while also increasing your confidence in it and in yourself. This book provides a straightforward technique to appreciating the flesh you are in.

In this book you will learn how to alter your behavior and thought processes so that you can feel better and act in more healthy and beneficial ways to your overall health. This book discusses the following topics:

• Understanding what a body image is and the variables that influence its development

• Knowing how to change our behavior and thinking in order to feel better about our bodies and selves

• Recognizing early warning signs of negative physical and mental health consequences, such as eating disorders

• Acting as a positive role model for children

• Coping strategies for stress, anxiety, and unhappiness

• Ways to boost one's self-esteem

This book will teach you about body image, motivate you to think about issues that affect women, and teach you how to improve your body image. There are ideas throughout on how to implement these approaches, as it is through this habit of challenging your behaviors and thinking that you will get greater results and long-term transformation. Furthermore, the book contains several useful exercises for readers to try.

This book is meant to help you increase your body and life enjoyment while decreasing physical discomfort and worry by following the advised steps. It will increase your body image awareness, understanding, and comprehension, allowing you to challenge your own beliefs and habits.

Individuals who read this book will be at various phases of change preparation. You may simply be thinking a shift; in that case, gather as much educational material as possible so that when the time comes, you will know what to do.

Those that are willing to change, and act should do the exercises as often as feasible. Change takes time, and practice, as with any new skill, is essential. It may be difficult at first, but after a while, it will become second nature, and you will know what to do when you are in a negative body image situation. This book can be used to enhance the efforts of persons who have already begun their path toward a positive body image.

Many individuals will need to repeat the methods and strategies presented in this book, several times over several weeks until they become habitual and a new way of thinking and behaving. As a result, keep up your efforts even if you don't see quick results.

Because this book is about self-care from head to toe, use the tips to improve your complete self-image rather than simply your body image. Above all, have fun with your reading and activities. Maintain a positive attitude because understanding that you can change your sentiments and ideas about your body will help you stay motivated to reach your goals. I wish you the best of luck in developing a more cheerful outlook toward yourself and your body.

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1 Comment

Jessica Franks@unknown-user Thanks so much for the review. An editor has looked through the book and has formatted it (lol I was in a hurry to get reviews that I forgot to wait for the editor to finish editing before submitting the copy here) as well and your review has been added as it is written here. I love the honesty of your review!!!
almost 3 years ago
About the author

A scientist, mom, and wife who studied psychology in college and has a Masters in Pharmaceutical Science. Until my 30s, I had struggled with my body image and now that I've overcome it, I want to share my tips with others. I also enjoy reading, discovering, and reviewing books. view profile

Published on April 29, 2022

9000 words

Contains mild explicit content ⚠️

Genre:Self-Help & Self-Improvement

Reviewed by